The Swedish Social Democrats want the military to help the police – Latest news – news

28 September 2023 at 12:34 The Swedish Social Democrats want the military to help the police The Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson wants to give the military greater powers to help the police in the fight against gang crime. Today, the military is allowed to help the police with transport. Andersson tells Aftonbladet that the law should be changed so that the military can, among other things, help with guarding. – The security that the police carry out, the military could also carry out. In addition to that, the military has technical knowledge that they should be able to assist with, says former Swedish Prime Minister Andersson. The party leader also says in the interview that she wants Sweden to ask for help from the police in Norway, Denmark and Finland. – I am open to anything the countries can help the police with, says Andersson.
