The Swedish Road Administration throttles traffic on the E6 and E18 when Ring 1 in Oslo closes – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

At the same time, the Swedish Road Administration admits that there will be more traffic towards Oslo. – Yes, there will be more queues on the approach roads to the center with these measures, says project manager Halvard Gavelstad to news. Closes for three years The background is the construction of a new government quarter and new Ring 1. The road under the new government quarter is to be lowered and secured against terrorism. At most, Ring 1 will go ten meters further underground than today. Next summer, the Hammersborg tunnel and the Vaterland tunnel will close. The tunnels on Ring 1 will be closed for three years. 17,400 cars must find other roads. The plan is for traffic on Ring 1 to go through the Opera tunnel instead. Therefore, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will limit traffic towards the tunnel at each end as much as possible. Throwing out the electric cars The plan for how this will happen is now ready. Aftenposten also mentions the package of measures today. – We limit the capacity towards the Opera Tunnel. At the same time, we are reinforcing the public transport lanes on the E18 and E6 on the same sections, says Halvard Gavelstad in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. And the Swedish Road Administration removes the option for electric cars to drive in public transport lanes. They do this so that the bus will arrive. Gavelstad says that the measures are also about life and health. – In the event of any accidents or fire in the Opera Tunnel, we must ensure flow in the tunnel, he says. CLOSED FOR THREE YEARS: Ring 1 will be closed from the summer of 2024 to 2027. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news Down to two lanes The most important measures are these: The capacity on the E18 from Lysaker to the entrance to the Opera tunnel will be reduced to two car lanes towards the city center . The same happens on the E6 from Alnabru between the exit to Ring 3 and the Vålereng tunnel. Here there will be continuous public transport lanes. The electric cars must exit the public transport lanes in the Oslo area to let the bus pass. Massive information aimed at road users, residents and businesses. The measures will ensure that people choose public transport, bicycles and walking over private cars. According to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, better capacity in public transport is necessary. The package does not say how it should happen. Thousands of cars on the city streets Not all cars will find their way down the Opera Tunnel. The Norwegian Road Administration expects that up to 5,000 cars will spill into the neighboring streets when Ring 1 closes. Residents, schools and businesses in the area fear chaos. The Urban Environment Agency has drawn up its own plan to limit the inconvenience on municipal roads. Disputes about the bill The price is NOK 110 million. Oslo municipality and the state have been arguing for a long time about who should foot the bill. The state will only pay for minor measures on the municipal road network. This is what Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) writes in a letter to the municipality. The old city council was angry because it is the state that causes Oslo’s inconveniences. The new one is not nicer. 15 schools New Environment and Transport Council Marit Kristine Vea (V) calls it “incomprehensible”. – As many as 15 primary schools will see increased car traffic outside the school gates, she says to Avisa Oslo. She says that Oslo municipality will initiate mitigating measures even if they have to pay for it themselves. On Wednesday, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration invites a public meeting about Ring 1.
