The Supreme Court will process IS appeal – Latest news – NRK

June 1, 2022 at 15:32 Supreme Court to process IS appeal The Supreme Court will process the appeal from the so-called IS woman who was brought to Norway from Syria with her two children in 2020. The Norwegian-Pakistani woman (31) was earlier this year sentenced to two and one half a year in prison for participating in the terrorist group IS in Syria by the Borgarting Court of Appeal. However, the court ruled that the woman was exploited for forced labor after her husband Bastian Vasquez died and that she was a victim of human trafficking. The Appeals Committee has allowed the appeal submitted for what concerns the Court of Appeal’s application of law and sentencing, as well as case processing. This is the first case in Norway against a woman who has returned from the so-called IS caliphate. – We believe it is right and necessary that the Supreme Court has decided to take the case into consideration, says the woman’s defender Nils Christian Nordhus to NRK.
