The Supreme Court sharpens the terrorism sentence against skiers – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

A man from Skien has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to 13 years and 10 months in prison for terrorist participation and attempted terrorism. Thus, the Supreme Court increased the sentence the man received in the Court of Appeal by almost two years. The man, who is in his 20s, was sentenced by the Borgarting Court of Appeal to 12 years in prison. The reason is that the Supreme Court believes he can be convicted of specific complicity in attempted terrorism – not just psychological complicity, as the Court of Appeal concluded. Invited to terror The skier was convicted in the Borgarting Court of Appeal for inciting a terrorist act in Denmark, participation in the terrorist organization IS and attempts to participate in an terrorist act in England. Participation in IS consisted of promoting the organization’s message, among other things by encouraging acts of terrorism on social media. The question the Supreme Court considered was whether what the Court of Appeal had judged as incitement to terrorist act, instead constituted attempts at psychological complicity in terrorist act. According to the Penal Code, attempts to participate in terrorist acts shall be punished more severely than incitement to terrorist acts. The Supreme Court states that the decisive factor was whether his intention that the terrorist acts he called for would be carried out was specified enough, among other things, in terms of time and place that he could be convicted of attempted complicity in the terrorist acts. The Supreme Court concluded, in contrast to the Court of Appeal, that the intent was sufficiently concretized.
