The Supreme Court revokes release – A relief for the family – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

Ringerike, Asker and Bærum district court decided just before Christmas that the 28-year-old should be remanded in custody for eight new weeks. The man was arrested by the police in September and charged with complicity in the murder of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen. The four others charged with murder or complicity in murder have already been released. The accused 28-year-old appealed to the Borgarting Court of Appeal, which decided, in a dissent, that he should be released last Christmas. Appealed the release The prosecution appealed the decision to the Supreme Court. One of the main questions was whether it offends the public’s sense of justice to release this person. Lawyer Thomas Randby defends the co-accused lawyer Ellen Tvedten Jorem. Photo: Anders Haualand / news And on New Year’s Eve, the Supreme Court’s appeal committee overturned the Court of Appeal’s ruling that released the accused 28-year-old from custody. – We take note of the Supreme Court’s decision. The question of continued detention will be dealt with again by the Court of Appeal over the New Year, says the 28-year-old’s defender Thomas Randby at Elden Advokatfirma in a press release. – A relief for the family The family of the murdered Jonas Aarseth Henriksen reacted strongly to the Court of Appeal’s wish to release the 28-year-old. Lawyer Marijana Lozic is the family’s assistance lawyer. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news Assistance lawyer for the family, Marijana Lozic, says they are now relieved. – The Supreme Court’s ruling is perceived as a relief for the family. Both the previous releases and now also this latest one have been difficult to understand, writes Lozic in a text message to news. – Upon the annulment, the Supreme Court has sent the case back to the Court of Appeal for a new assessment, and the hope now is that the Court of Appeal will come to a different conclusion than last time, that is to say that it will offend the public’s sense of justice if he is released. – It is difficult to envisage cases where that condition must be met, if not in this case Alle deny criminal guilt The 28-year-old was the first to be arrested for the murder. The police believe it was he who tricked Henriksen up to the cabin where the murder took place. The man, like the other accused, denies criminal guilt. Jonas was found shot dead at a cabin in Nes in Ringerike on 17 August.
