The Sun accused of breaching good press etiquette for the Meghan case – Latest news – news

1 July 2023 at 05:31 The Sun fined for breach of good press etiquette for the Meghan case The British media watchdog IPSO has ruled that Jeremy Clarkson’s column in the tabloid newspaper The Sun was in breach of good press etiquette, writes the BBC. In the article in December last year, Clarkson made a frontal attack on Duchess Meghan Markle in terms that the inspectorate called sexist and discriminatory. Among other things, he wrote that he hated her and said he dreamed that she was forced to walk naked along the street while people threw excrement at her. According to the judgment from IPSO, the newspaper has breached the press’s ethical regulations on 12 points. The Sun has been ordered to print mention of the judgment on the front page of the newspaper and in the online edition. IPSO received 25,000 complaints about the article in The Sun – the highest number in the inspectorate’s history. Several perceived the article as a call for violence against Markle.
