The Storting lowers the temperature and closes the sauna – Latest news – news

7 October 2022 at 10:49 The Storting lowers the temperature and closes the sauna It will get colder and darker at the Storting. The Presidency of the Storting has adopted this in order to save electricity going forward, writes VG. – Europe is in the middle of a serious energy crisis, and the Storting will contribute to the great power saving effort. That is why we are implementing a number of immediate measures that will help to cut electricity consumption with immediate effect, says Storting President Masud Gharahkhani (Ap) to VG. The elected representatives must work in between 19 and 20 degrees. Today the temperature is between 20 and 22 degrees. In addition, among other things, the sauna will be closed, and the outdoor lighting and street heating outside the Storting’s building will be reduced.
