The Storting has decided that Haram will be separated from Ålesund and become its own municipality – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

There was a celebration in Haram when it finally became clear that there would be a divorce between Haram and Ålesund. A large majority in the Storting today agreed that Haram will again be a separate municipality from 1 January 2024. Trond Skjelten in Brattvåg celebrated by hoisting the flag when the news became known. – This will be a new flag day here. Today and May 17 will be equal, he says. Ålesund is thus the first of the municipalities that was forcibly merged in 2017, which will be separated again. No dance on roses Haram was merged with Ålesund in 2017. It happened in the Storting, and it was done by force. The result was the large municipality of Ålesund. But life in the new Ålesund was no dance on roses. The financial problems created great dissatisfaction. In Haram, demands were made for a referendum if Haram were to become its own municipality again. They got what they wanted. The politicians in Ålesund said yes to the referendum. And the response from the people was crystal clear. 71.7 percent of those who voted wanted to leave Ålesund. People in Haram demonstrated in the town hall square in Ålesund when the politicians were to decide Haram’s future. Photo: Per-Ivar Kvalsvik / news Wanted to keep two wreaths The next round was dramatic. The politicians in Ålesund decided that they would apply for Haram to become its own municipality, but would keep two of the circles themselves. This meant that only half of Haram was allowed to break free. This was met with strong reactions. The solution that had been adopted had not been paid for in advance. It had also not been investigated whether people living in the two circles would have such a solution. But that was not the case. The government made a short process and drove over the politicians in Ålesund. This means that the whole of Haram can separate and become a separate municipality. – Big day for local democracy After the debate in the Storting on Monday, Jenny Klinge (Sp) called it a big day. – This says something about our democracy. It is possible to reverse political decisions that are unwise. That is a big say for local democracy, says Klinge. Jenny Klinge (Sp) thinks it is a big saying for local democracy that the Storting is now restoring Haram. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB The Conservatives, Liberals and Kjell Inge Ropstad from KrF voted against the proposal to separate Haram. – We believe that Ålesund should have more time to show that they can become the regional municipality it has the potential to become. It is too early to make such a move now, says Helge Orten (H). – A tragedy But the news is not equally well received by everyone. Terje Fagerli is the drawer and my old Haram belongs to Ålesund. – It would have a secure future for children and grandchildren. I am completely convinced if it would have the strength of the northwest, in the competition against Bergen and Trondheim. Therefore, I think it is a tragedy that Haram will re-emerge. Terje Fagerli would like Haram to become a veranda in Ålesund and believes that it would secure the future of the grandchildren. Photo: Silje Thalberg / news – The young people want to go out At the cultural café in Brattvåg sit their friends Mathilde Skarbø Giske (17) and Ajla Selak (17). They both agree that it is best for Haram to leave Ålesund. – Most young people want to leave Ålesund, says Selak. She thinks the offer to young people got worse when Haram became part of Ålesund. – I miss old Haram because there we got what we wanted. Ålesund took all the money from us, and now we are not allowed to fix our course or get new things at school or such, she says. Mathilde Skarbø Giske (17) and Ajla Selak (17) are pleased that Haram will now become its own municipality again. Photo: Silje Thalberg / news End of years of discussion Only two years after Haram municipality was forcibly merged with Ålesund, it is ready for divorce. Johan Grytten will celebrate that. – I have a flag I might want to hoist, he laughs. At the same time, he looks forward to ending the discussion that has led to many neighbors no longer being able to speak. – Is it possible to put down the battle ax now? – It should do. There is nothing more to joke about. Now we just have to move on. A large majority in the Storting says yes to Haram municipality again becoming its own municipality with its old borders. Thus, Ålesund is split up.
