The storm rages on – barns turned into sticks – news Nordland

The case in summary: A severe storm has ravaged northern Norway, and among other things has smashed the barn of Svein Hansen in Sortland. Hansen had been gone for an hour, and came home to a barn in ruins. A German couple who rented from Hansen used the barn as a garage, but luckily the man was at work when the storm hit. The storm was so powerful that Widerøe grounded all the planes north of Trondheim, which has not happened in 14 years. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Boat on the way. Utedo in the air. And fly on the ground. The storm, without a name, rages. Svein Hansen was just going for a short trip to Sortland. When he got home an hour later, the barn had turned into stickwood. – We are bothered a bit by fall weather when the weather is from the west. That’s what made it work, he says to news. The newspaper Vesterålen mentioned the case first. Vesterålen Online has also discussed the case. The barn before it was turned into stickwood. Photo: Private – Luckily he had gone to work Svein Hansen says that he took over the house and barn on Kavåsen, north of Sortland, from his parents about half a year ago. Since then he has tinkered and polished the property. Now the work is in vain, but Hansen seems to take it all relatively calmly. – It was just a barn. He adds: – But it’s wrong enough, so to speak. Kavåsen outside Sortland in Nordland. Hansen says that he started the day by driving his son into Sortland. – When I came back, the barn was gone. Everything was in ruins. I have a German couple who rent from me. It was the wife who called my wife when the barn was leaving. And the German couple used the barn as a garage. – Fortunately, the man had gone to work, Hansen points out. – It will be as it will be. To have just lost the barn, Hansen is very calm. – Can you describe how it feels to come home to a broken barn? – I take everything easy that way. As long as it doesn’t go people. The material is insured, so it will be as it will be. Svein Hansen says that only material things were lost. The barn houses no animals. Photo: Private – Widerøe has grounded all the planes north of Trondheim. It hasn’t happened in 14 years. Do you remember experiencing weather like this? – I don’t think I’ve experienced anything like this in many years. There has been a lot going on all around. It was a bit awkward to see this when it had been tidied up a bit. Then our master comes and collects it, says Hansen and adds: – Me and our master cannot be on good terms. A snowmobile was in the barn. It is probably destroyed, along with other material things such as lawnmowers, windows and doors that were stored in the barn. Photo: Private – Let’s hope you get on well eventually? – Yes, we can hope so eventually, Hansen replies before he laughs carefully. – Is the house standing? – The house says yes. – It was still good then. Then you are not so unfriendly to our lord? – No. Secured before they went into the house The storm was not over when the barn had fallen. Hansen says that perhaps they should have got home, but that several people were getting around to ensure that the remains of the barn did not spread to others. – After the court, we should have just gone into the house, but we chose to have it tied up so that it would not harm people or other houses. The stickwood after the barn is moved into place before it is strapped and fixed. Photo: Privat With the help of several people, including the son who owns an excavator, they secured the site. – We have put all the wood and steel plates together and fixed them. We have also laid soil.
