The steering group in Health South-East recommends a new hospital in Moelv – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

One of the large hospital projects to be landed this autumn is in Innlandet. After former health minister Bent Høie said yes to a new main hospital in Moelv, two alternatives were to be investigated further. New main hospital in Moelv. Keep the current hospital structure and replace Hamar hospital with a new hospital at Sanderud in Stange – the so-called zero-plus alternative. It is these two studies that a steering group in Health South-East has now assessed, and today they presented their recommendation. Progress plan new hospital structure 2021: The Board of Innlandet Hospital decides that a new main hospital will be located at Mjøsbrua The Board of Health South-East supports the decision. But decides that two alternatives should be investigated. The second is the so-called zero plus alternative Health Minister Bent Høie decides that a new main hospital will be located at Mjøsbrua Autumn 2022: 8 August: The steering group for further development of Sykehuset Innlandet presents its assessment and conclusion on the two alternatives. On 25 August, the board of Sykehuset Innlandet expresses its opinion. 22 September: Helse Sør-Öst makes its final decision on the matter. During autumn 2022/spring 2023, Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) must decide whether the preliminary project can be included in the state budget for 2024. Putting away zero-plus The recommendation from the steering group is to proceed with the study of a main hospital in Moelv and scrap zero -plus. – We believe that, overall, it best responds to the project’s triggering needs and that it will best facilitate professional development and good patient care in the interior, says head of the steering group and CEO of Helse Sør-Est, Terje Rootwelt. MOELV: Leader of the steering group in Health South-East, Terje Rootwelt, says that they recommend going ahead with the plans for a main hospital at Mjøsbrua in Moelv. Photo: Ola Bjørlo Strande / news He says there was a clear majority in the steering group who were in favor of this. If this recommendation is followed, it means that both the somatic and psychiatric hospitals in Gjøvik and Hamar/Stange will be closed. Lillehammer retains its emergency hospital, while Elverum retains a smaller hospital for planned treatments. Satisfied county mayor in Innlandet, Even Aleksander Hagen (Ap) thinks this is a sensible choice. – We have to think about the future and then the best thing for the patients and their relatives, and I also mean for the employees, is to get the professional communities together and to go for a large hospital, says Hagen. SATISFIED: County mayor Even Aleksander Hagen is satisfied with the steering group’s recommendation. Photo: Ola Bjørlo Strande / news The recommendation from the steering group will now be processed by the boards of the Innlandet Hospital and of Health South-East, before the Ministry of Health and Welfare makes the final decision and decides whether the Innlandet Hospital can go ahead with the plans for a main hospital in Moelv. See the whole process step by step here: Timeline new hospital structure in the interior Read more cases here: New main hospital in the interior
