The Stavern Festival would like to have more – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

When the big festival started on Thursday, Ninni Bugge (19) was in place as a summer substitute. She works in the main canteen, and will make sure that those who work at the festival get enough to drink. This year, the Stavern Festival is trying something new – they have hired paid summer substitutes instead of using volunteers who work for festival passes. – You get a broader experience of the festival by working here. It only gets better every year, says the 19-year-old. She is one of the 500 substitutes employed at the festival. They should preferably have been more. Lack of labor With an industry that is hungry for labor throughout summer Norway, festival director Roar Vaborg Gudbrandsen had to make do with just over 300 fewer summer substitutes than he really wanted. MISSING PEOPLE: Festival director Roar Vaborg Gudbrandsen has replaced the volunteers with young people who want a summer job. Photo: Viktor Tangestuen / news – It is difficult to get people. Especially those over 18 years have been difficult to get hold of, but for those under 18 years the demand has been great, he says. Gudbrandsen would like to envisage a collaboration with others in the same industry both in Larvik and the surrounding area to ensure enough staffing. – There is a rift about summer temps, and it is possible to combine this summer job with other summer jobs, he says. Great demand in the summer town Elin Snedal Christiansen, market contact for Nav in Larvik, recognizes well the problem Stavernfestivalen describes. – In general, it has been difficult to get summer substitutes this year. Many in that industry need people this summer, and Larvik is a summer town with great demand. She praises the initiative to hire summer substitutes at the festival, which Nav has collaborated with them on. MANY AND LEGS: Elin Snedal Christiansen, market contact for NAV in Larvik, says many want summer substitutes this year. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news Went hard Festival director Gudbrandsen says that so far there have only been advantages to hiring paid substitutes versus volunteers. – It is cheaper for us, it is more stable and easier to handle. Now we do not have to chase after the volunteers who do not show up for work. On the other hand, we have a staff that thinks it’s fun to be here, and this is something they can write on their CV afterwards, says the festival director. However, the major consequences of him missing almost 300 summer substitutes will not be. The festival director would like to have more people at work, but says they have closed the gaps. – We spoke with the Personnel House to arrange guards over 20 years. In addition, we went a little hard to advertise over 800 summer jobs. Right now when the festival is underway, it looks good, but it’s just right, says Gudbrandsen. Canteen worker Ninni Bugge says she will attend the entire festival even if she does not receive a festival pass in payment for the effort this year. – This year I have had to buy the ticket myself. If it had been money or festival passes as payment, I would have been here anyway. A LOT OF WORK: There was a lot to do before the festival so that everything would be ready to start on Thursday. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news
