The state must pay 134 million in compensation to Torghatten and Fjord1 – news Nordland

In addition, they must pay part of the legal costs to the two companies, totaling NOK 2.5 million. Director of Finance in Torghatten Nord, Trygve Tofte, tells news that they are satisfied with the decision. – We believe the verdict is absolutely right. We have had an increased cost as a result of the introduction of a CO2 tax on LNG vessels. Then we believe that the entire cost must be covered by the client as we did not know about that cost when we submitted the tender. – Such amounts are significant for the company The case dates from 2023, where the two companies lost in the Oslo District Court with their claims for compensation, after the Storting decided to introduce a CO2 tax on LNG, which is a natural gas liquefied using cooling. When the agreements for the two companies were concluded, LNG for freight and national transport was exempt from the tax. In 2018, however, a tax was introduced at a rate of one kroner per standard cubic metre. This led to the expenses of the two companies increasing dramatically, and now they are being compensated in the form of large amounts in the millions. Applies to these ferry connections The shipping companies Torghatten Nord AS and Fjordl AS entered into contracts with the state at the National Road Administration for the operation of four national highway connections: Bodø Værøy Røst Moskenes and Lødingen-Bognes: Torghatten Nord Halhjem-Sandvikvåg: Torghatten Nord AS Mortvika-Arsvågen and Halhjem Sandvikvåg: Fjordl AS , Arsvågen: Fjordl AS The contracts have been entered into in accordance with the rules on public procurement. The contract provisions are identical for all connections. The licenses were awarded for a period of ten years. The demand from the ferry companies Fjord1 and Torghatten Nord was that the state gave them a total of NOK 135 million in compensation as a result of the authorities introducing a CO2 tax on liquefied natural gas, known as LNG, in 2018. The amounts to the various companies are respectively 58.8 NOK million to Fjord1 and NOK 76 million to Torghatten Nord. Tofte in Torghatten Nord says this is important for the operation. – It creates a presidency for the coming year. Such amounts are significant for the company. This ensures that we have further framework conditions, as well as that we can understand how the agreement is to be interpreted. Lost in the district court In June last year, the lawyers for the ferry companies Fjord1 and Torghatten Nord clashed in the Oslo district court. The shipping companies claimed that the expenses of the two shipping companies increased dramatically. These were costs the shipping companies had not taken into account when they entered into contracts with the state on the relevant ferry routes, and which they believe must be understood as an unforeseen expense. Fjord1 demands NOK 58.8 million with late interest, while Torghatten Nord demands NOK 76.8 million with interest. The government at the Ministry of Transport has agreed that the shipping companies are entitled to compensation, but they disagreed about how much compensation. Published 27/09/2024, at 13.29 Updated 27.09.2024, at 13.51
