The state collects more than NOK 200 million a year on speed cameras – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

They are there to the annoyance of some motorists, but the road authorities and the police are sure that the speed cameras are one of the most important traffic safety measures that exist. – Then we sharpen motorists. They see the warning sign, know that a speed camera is coming, and then it is up to you whether you want to slow down or whether you want to take a fine, says senior adviser in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Knut Eilertsen. ELECTION: Knut Eilertsen from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says the speed cameras are signposted, so people are reminded to keep their speed down. Photo: Trygve Heide / news But the figures show that many drive too fast. So far this year, fines of more than NOK 137 million have been issued. The number was just over 221 million in the whole of last year. Oslo and Innlandet are at the top of the list of fines so far this year. In Oslo alone, there has been a sharp increase, from 6,900 fines last year to 16,768 so far this year. See how many are taken in your area further down the case. Positive for speed cameras Along the national road 3 at Øksna in Elverum is Innlandet’s most profitable speed camera. It is the camera in the county that has raised the most money for the Treasury both last year and so far this year. Several of the motorists who drive along this national road are positive that the speed cameras are on more now than before. – I think it’s just fine that they’re there. For my part, they could have stood all the way, says Georg Bill. HAPPY: Motorist Georg Bill stopped along Highway 3 on Friday. He is positive about the speed cameras. Photo: Knut Røsrud / news He believes that the accident statistics so far this summer are terrible. – It’s absolutely serious. It is a lot of ugly driving, he says. Motorist Ove Aas also believes that it is a good measure that the speed cameras are on longer. – One traffic accident is one too many. I am completely in favor of measures being taken to reduce accidents, he says. POSITIVE: Ove Aas is positive that the speed cameras are on more than before. Photo: Knut Røsrud / news Have you been taken in the photo booth so far this year? Has put more into operation The main reason why more are taken this year is that more speed cameras are in operation around the clock now. This happened from this spring, when the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the police were given greater resources to operate the speed cameras. Superintendent of Police in UP and at the police ATK center, Tove Storvik, says it is important to point out that the photo booths are not there to pull money into the state coffers, but to slow down and prevent accidents. – We are not at work to make money, but for our fellow road users to arrive safely on the roads, says Tove Storvik. And all surveys and statistics show that the speed cameras have a great effect. 50 per cent fewer serious accidents A report from the Department of Transport Economics (TØI) from 2015 showed that the number of dead and seriously injured in traffic had decreased by 50 per cent due to the speed cameras. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration still sees an equally good effect today. – Line ATK (automatic traffic control) is one of our best and most targeted measures to prevent traffic accidents where high speed is a contributing factor, says Jørgen Bysveen in a press release from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The speed cameras are also on the list of measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents after a spring with many fatal accidents. Holidays without traffic accidents The concern became so great that road director Ingrid Dahl Hovland called a crisis meeting in June to find the causes and measures. Knut Eilertsen from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says that most of the photo booths are open 24 hours a day now. They have a hope that it will help this summer. – Remember that we would rather not lose any lives. We want everyone to have a nice summer and a nice holiday without there being a lot of traffic accidents See the statistics for your area here:
