The state administrator will carry out an inspection of Ullern health center – Latest news – news

18 January 2023 at 16:13 The state administrator will carry out an inspection of Ullern health center The state administrator in Oslo and Viken writes to news that they have received several complaints related to Ullern health center. On this basis, they have informed Oslo municipality at the Nursing Home Agency that they will follow up the health services at Ullern Health Center in terms of supervision. Over the next few days, the state administrator will send a letter to Oslo municipality about what the inspection will cover. The State Administrator does not wish to elaborate now on what type of supervision will be carried out. news has had several news stories about the nursing home, where relatives and patients have described what they believe to be gross neglect of care at the nursing home. This is about low staffing, employees who do not come when called, and little medical supervision. Patients have said that they have been lying in bed for a long time after visiting the toilet without receiving help for care, among other things.
