The sprint in Holmenkollen canceled on Friday – moved to Saturday – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

The biathlon sprint for the women was initially supposed to start at 15.20, and then they were supposed to start at 15.50 at the earliest. But in the end it was canceled in Holmenkollen. – Because none of the athletes saw anything, and it got worse and worse. Unfortunately, we have to cancel, says race director Hans Petter Olsen to news and continues: – It is sad that we have to. But it is the most possible justice in a sprint, therefore we cancel here. He says that the athletes were more and more skeptical throughout the day. – There was more and more negativity from the athletes, so we chose to cancel, says Olsen. The sprint is now scheduled to start at 15:00 on Saturday. This means that the start of the hunt, which was originally supposed to take place on Saturday, is canceled completely. – Real crap Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold thinks it’s a big letdown that there won’t be any rain on Friday. – It was real shit. I started to really enjoy a bit of fog and action. If the fog stays even, then it’s the same for everyone. But I see if the fog had lifted at the end, it would have been very unfair, says Tandrevold to news. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news She would have been one of the favorites for the podium in the sprint, but now it will be a training trip with Marte Olsbu Røiseland instead. – This was a bit awkward. The crowd that has lined up and … it was stupid. But I also understand the decision, even if I would have liked to go skiing, says the biathlete. The carrier girl is said to have impressed in training, despite difficult conditions. – I think today would have been my day, she says a little dejectedly. – They could drive well Olsen says that there has been a lot to do in the last 24 hours. – But if we can’t stand this with outdoor sports, then we have to continue with indoor sports, says Olsen. Before the cancellation was a fact, Lunde reacted to the jury’s assessments. – I think they could have done the sprint as it was when the shoot-in was about to start. It was fairly light, and there were worse conditions for the men in the sprint in Oberhof. The light gets worse and worse over time, so delaying more becomes difficult, Lunde believes. REACTS: news’s ​​biathlon expert Ola Lunde. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news When it becomes clear that the race is cancelled, the expert understands the decision. – It is absolutely the right decision by the jury to cancel it. Now it’s very close here, he says. Does not react Solemdal was impressed by the handling, and says she herself has run fair races under worse conditions. – I am stunned by the decision. I don’t think the slopes get nicer when it’s low. They are not going to run the slopes. I don’t quite understand why they postpone the race for half an hour, says Solemdal. AGAINST POSTPONEMENT: news’s ​​biathlon expert Synnøve Solemdal. Now that it is actually being cancelled, she believes it is the right decision. – No, the way it looks now, I understand it well. When you can’t see the blinkers at a stop, they simply don’t work. But it’s very difficult, especially when you don’t have enough days to complete all the competitions, says Solemdal. – What kind of consequences are there if the hunt does not start for the women? – They get a smaller chance to compete and win, and perhaps especially for Marte Olsbu Røiseland’s part, who announced that this was the last World Cup race, then there is one less chance. This weekend, Marte Olsbu Røiseland runs her last race as a professional biathlete. She is retiring after the season, and will end her career in Holmenkollen. But the sprint will have to wait, and better weather is expected on Saturday. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news
