The sports manager accused of abuse must have tipped a child – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: A sports manager in Lyngdal has been charged with repeated physical sexual abuse of children under 14 years of age. According to several sources, the accused must also have molested children. The man has largely acknowledged the conditions covered by the charge. The Agder police are asking for extended detention for the man. This is the second case affecting the sports team in Lyngdal, another sports manager was convicted of sexual abuse four years ago. Agder Sports Circle and Lyngdal Cup state that work must be done on the routines for police certificates and follow-up. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. On Wednesday, the charge against a sports manager in Lyngdal was extended to include repeated physical sexual abuse against children under 14 years of age. He had previously been charged with dealing with sexualized representations of several children. news learns that the accused must have molested children. Several sources tell news independently of each other. Agder police district will not comment on the information. Nor will they say anything about how many children are involved. Agder Sports Circle believes the whole case is sad. – This is sad for the local environment and for sport. This means that parents may not want to be so sure about giving their children a sports offer, says deputy chairman of Agder sports district Arnt Abrahamsen. Arnt Abrahamsen in Agder Sports Circle states that the sports circle is following up with support for the sports team. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news Lawyer Bjørge Usterud Tveito defends the accused man in his 30s. He has told news that the accused has long since acknowledged the conditions that the charge covers. This week, the Agder police are asking for extended detention for the man. They want another eight weeks in custody. Had a police certificate This is the second case affecting the sports club in Lyngdal. Four years ago, another sports manager was arrested and sentenced for sexual abuse of children. Abrahamsen in the sports circle says that there are good systems for catching cases like this, but that you have to ensure that they get even better. – Because it turns out that there are loopholes, he says. – How can this be prevented from happening? – From sports central, we have to tighten up routines with police certificates and follow-up at all levels. We have to go through this one more time. The police have previously confirmed to news that the man who has been charged had submitted a police certificate before he joined Lyngdal Sports Club. Have to work with the routines William Holmen Foss is manager of the Lyngdal Cup. He believes that many sports teams make a lot of mistakes with police certificates. – We have to work with the routines, because police certificates can be a false sense of security. First of all, one must be very careful about checking references and other things that it is possible to check when people are applying for a job, Foss believes. The general manager of Lyngdal Idrettslag has not responded to news’s ​​inquiry into the matter. Nor do the defense attorneys want to comment on anything. William Holmen for is leader of the Lyngdal Cup. – If there are things that are jarring, there must be a low threshold for notifying, he says. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news Published 12.09.2024, at 20.56 Updated 12.09.2024, at 21.18
