The Sophie Elise stunt is a good shop – news Vestland

This week Lustrabadet in Sogn opened its doors for Sophie Elise and her friends Nora Haukland and Maria Wang Brandt. The picture was shared with Sophie Elise’s 577,000 followers on Instagram, but received mixed reception. – It was not the advertisement that we envisioned before the visit, says daily manager of Lustrabadet Kent Monsen. Professor at NHH, Helge Thorbjørnsen, nevertheless believes that Lustrabadet may have come out of the “stunt” well: – Even if it was not a particularly wise decision, Lustrabadet may still have “ignited” this purely in terms of the market, he says. He points out that both news, VG and TV 2 have covered the case, and that there are now “significantly more people in Norway who know about Lustrabadet”. – I doubt whether a local boycott in Sogn will overshadow this effect, he says. The use of influencer advertising increased by 90 per cent In the aftermath of the row, Lustrabadet stated that there was no payment for the assignment or requirement to publish anything. The incident is nevertheless interpreted within the framework of an ever-growing sector: influenza marketing (IM). This means that a company or other business gives money or a product in exchange for the influencer or influencer publishing content in their personal channels. New figures from the Media Agency Association show that the Norwegian use of influencer marketing (IM) increased by 90 per cent compared to figures from the first quarter of 2021. Already at that time, the Media Barometer showed that influencer marketing was the advertising sector with the greatest growth: 140.2 per cent. – It was not the advertisement that we envisioned before the visit, says daily manager of Lustrabadet Kent Monsen. Photo: Screenshot: @lustrabadet / Instagram Big dark numbers But there are big dark numbers, says Kristin Brimi of the Media Association: – It is worth noting that this is turnover that goes via media agencies and that some IM advertising is bought directly. Direct purchases from advertisers are not captured in this reporting, she says. If we broaden the perspective, the figures show that the use of influencers will grow by 42 per cent in 2021. Before the end of 2022, it is estimated that the turnover on a global basis will pass 15 billion dollars. Here too, obscurity is big. New figures from the Media Agency Association show that the Norwegian use of influencer marketing (IM) increased by 90 per cent compared to figures from the first quarter of 2021. – But it is a big dark figure, says Kristin Brimi from the Media Agency Association. Photo: Mediebårforeningen Banks and the tourism industry use influencers A round of calls shows that influencers have been part of the advertising budget in many different industries in recent years. – We always work with influencers who visit Bergen, says tourism director at Visit Bergen, Anders Nyland. He clarifies that they are “very selective in relation to who we work with”, and that the influencer himself must want to come visit: – We do not “bring” influencers to the Bergen region, we work with those who are going to come here anyway, and who we foals will give us the right effect with a relevant target group. – When we hire in for various assignments, we have an extremely conscious relationship with what they will do for us, says communications director at Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, Johanne Viken Sandnes. Photo: Vidar Helle/SSF Communications director at Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, Johanne Viken Sandnes, says they have used influencers and TV profiles at various events. – These have been good collaborations, and we are not looking away from doing it again. When we hire in for various assignments, we have an extremely conscious relationship with what they will do for us; why they should do it; and who we book in. So far, we have had positive experiences related to this, she says. Even Fusdahl Hulleberg is marketing manager at Norway’s best, which organizes tours in Flåm and the world heritage fjords. He says that they use influencer marketing as “a good supplement to the digital media mix” and that in this way they “reach specific target groups that we may not reach through other, more traditional channels.” – The power of influence that influencers have is important here.
