The Sophie Elise case is being taken up in the Broadcasting Council, reports Medier24 – Latest news – news

1 March 2023 at 17:55 The Sophie Elise case is taken up in the Broadcasting Council, Medier24 reports The Broadcasting Council will next week discuss the collaboration between news and Sophie Elise. There have been several thousand complaints in the case. The matter will be the topic of the meeting on Thursday next week, the Broadcasting Council’s secretary Erik Skarrud tells Medier24. – The council has received a record number of inquiries from the public, and the case has attracted great interest from many people, says council leader Snorre Valen. – Questions about news’s ​​program profile and news’s ​​profile aimed at young people are of course part of the council’s mandate. I therefore think it is natural that the case be dealt with, he continues. The background to the case is that Sofie Steen Isachsen (28), known as Sophie Elise, published and later deleted a picture of herself and another influencer holding a bag with something white in it. Talks are ongoing between news and Sophie Elise about the collaboration on the podcast “Sophie and Fetisha”. Charlo Halvorsen, acting director of the Marienlyst division at news, told VG on Wednesday that the talks were still ongoing. On Wednesday, Sophie Elise herself published a story on Instagram where she sat in the podcast studio at Marienlyst. The podcast usually comes on Thursdays at 6. (NTB)
