– The solution lies with the parties – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The Minister of Education had a meeting with the parties in the teachers’ strike at 14.00 Friday. – I would say that we had a good meeting. I feel I understand more of where the parties stand. For me, it is important to emphasize that the answer and the solution lie with the parties, said Brenna when she met the press after the meeting. – They are the ones who have the key to finding an agreement, and they are the ones who have to reach out to find a solution, she says further. – It is very important for the government that we find a solution to this conflict, and that the pupils can return to school, she emphasises. Steffen Handal, head of the Education Association. Photo: William Jobling / news Tor Arne Gangsø, director of working life at KS, says he will summarize the conversation as “good”. – The parties perceive that this is a serious situation we are in, primarily for the students. Without talking well together, we will not achieve any solution, says Tor Arne Gangsø, director of working life at KS. – Unfortunately, nothing has been put forward that can contribute to resolving the conflict, so the strike continues, says Steffen Handal, head of the Education Association, at the press conference. – Sensational signals Political commentator at news, Lars Nehru Sand, believes it is difficult to see the will and ability among the parties to land a solution. – These are alarming signals from the parties who have been inside the Minister of Knowledge, says Sand. Lars Nehru Sand, political commentator at news, believes it is urgent for the parties to find a solution. Photo: news He believes that the weekend will be decisive. – If this persists through the weekend, we will steer towards a compulsory wage board at one point or another. However, it will be a long way off for the government. – It is a high threshold for the government to intervene in a teachers’ strike, he says. National Ombudsman will contact Labor Minister Marte Mjøs Persen did not attend the meeting, news has confirmed. National mediator Mats Wilhelm Ruland did not participate either. On Friday afternoon, he met Minister of Education Tonje Brenna ahead of the fact that the minister had summoned the parties to the teachers’ strike. – Voluntary wage board is always an option. There may be a way to resolve this conflict, but then the parties must be interested in it, says Ruland to news. If the government later chooses to intervene with a compulsory wage board to cancel the strike, this is something that falls under the Ministry of Labour’s area of ​​responsibility. Ombudsman Mats Wilhelm Ruland does not attend the meeting. Photo: KSENIA NOVIKOVA / news Ruland says that he will contact the parties immediately after Friday’s meeting. – Then we’ll see if a new meeting between the parties becomes relevant, says Ruland. The education union is taking 300 new teachers out on strike from Wednesday next week. This will increase the number of teachers on strike to around 8,450. Wants to find a solution even Mette Johnsen Walker, leader of the National Association of Schools, said before the meeting that she was very excited about what would emerge at the meeting. – We hope that this provides an opportunity for the parties to meet again, she told news. Mette Johnsen Walker, leader of the National Association of Schools, hopes for new meetings. Photo: The National Association of Schools She does not hope for a forced wage board. – I hope the parties themselves can find a solution. Tor Arne Gangsø, director of working life in KS, says that they will be willing to participate in new meetings. – If the Ombudsman calls, we will of course be quiet, says Gangsø. The teachers’ strike means that the country’s municipalities and county councils “save” NOK 24.3 million in salary expenses every day, according to calculations from TV 2.
