The society’s board must resign after the leader threw a glass dish at a student – news Trøndelag

The no-confidence motion was put forward by the board of the Cafe and Serving Group (KSG) after an incident on the night of 8 October. Then the leader of the Society, Jonas Strøm Scheie, threw a glass dish at one of the other volunteers. The barrel hit the victim in the face before it fell to the ground and broke. It says Under the tassel. The volunteer who was hit has stated through his management that the barrel was thrown after a disagreement between the two parties, writes Universitetsavisa. Scheie tells news that the incident happened during a game and that it was accidental that the volunteer was hit. – On the night of 8 October, several of us stood in a toilet queue, where we threw a glass plate between us. By mistake I missed and hit another person in the face, he says. Thrown plate The behavior led to the council at the Studentersamfunnet receiving a report, and they decided to ban the leader from the Studentersamfunnet’s area and work for a week. – As leader of the Society, I have not lived up to the standard that can be expected of me, and I deeply regret that, says Scheie. The Studentersamfundet is without political leadership after a majority was in favor of the motion of no confidence. Photo: Øivind Olsson / news The former leader, on the other hand, does not believe that there was a basis for mistrust. – The episode has no connection with the exercise of my duties as leader of the Society, and is not suitable to weaken the trust that the Society’s members have given me to lead the Society, he says. 53 per cent During the meeting on Saturday, KSG recounted the course of events on behalf of the victim. The student leader also gave his version in the meeting. According to the student newspaper, he ended his speech by clarifying that he took the core of the case and the victim’s experience seriously. The manager also acknowledged that he had made a mistake and hoped that he, together with the board, would be given the opportunity to complete the post undertaken. But it didn’t turn out that way. Wants dialogue on unculture According to Under the Dusk, 336 voted in favor, while 240 voted against the no-confidence motion. 58 cast a blank vote. Thus, 53 percent voted to throw out the board. According to the laws, the entire board must resign if a leader is ousted by no confidence, the Society writes on its website. Under the tassel writes that one of the members has called for dialogue about alcohol consumption and unculturedness in the house in light of the fact that the influence of alcohol has led to uncertainty about the narratives. A new election will be held on Wednesday 2 November. The newly elected leader will take office immediately, and will serve until 17 May 2023. Challenger with banned leader Leader of the Financial Board, Dag Herrem, describes the decision as clear. And he points out that the outcome was not clear in advance. – The treatment in the room went a long way. There was a discussion, and no one knew the outcome in advance, says Herrem to news. Herrem says the leader of the Society is responsible for the disciplinary scheme, and that it is therefore a problem when you are put under the scheme yourself. – It is difficult to have a leader who is banned, and I think it was fundamental that many people voted for the motion of no confidence, says Herrem. He adds that the debate was orderly, but that people had clear positions. – Although the motion of no confidence is directed at a person, it was not a personal attack. I thought that was neat. The case has caused unrest The head of the financial board rejects unrest in the organization after the vote. – But such a case always causes a bit of anxiety. How it will turn out in the future is difficult to say, but there is nothing to indicate major conflicts, he says. In principle, meetings like this must be announced well in advance, but now they have cut down the time in order to get a new leader elected quickly. – I think we will get a new leader on Wednesday, and a complete board on Saturday if we are lucky, concludes Herrem.
