The snow comes in the east, but in the west Emilian has to wait – news Vestland

– I miss the snow! Emilian Sundsøy Helset, who goes to Slåttebakkane kindergarten in Førde, still has to play on green tufts of grass. So far this year, there has only been frost here. He and the other children yearn for snowmen, toboggan runs and powder snow on the ski slope, but for now they have to be patient. – The children ask me every day when the snow will come and when it is winter, says kindergarten teacher Janne Tormodset. Cool A high pressure in the east ensures a fairly dry and cool week in the whole country. The weather will be calm with little wind and precipitation ahead. But in parts of eastern, central and southern Norway there are good opportunities for snow. – It is difficult to see where it will snow in the next few days. But we have reason to believe that inland parts of eastern and southern Norway can expect some snow in the next few days, says state meteorologist Julie Solsvik Vågane. In recent days, around 70 centimeters of snow has fallen in Helsinglia in Hemsedal. Photo: Kristin Devor The reason for this is as follows: Well, as often at this time of year, it is wind from the north-east that dominates Austlandet. The wind is cold, but not too strong. The nor’easter usually brings a little snow, which means that more people can have a brighter Advent. Hemsedal is one of the towns that has received well over 50 centimeters of snow in recent days. Today, 9 cm of snow was measured at Tryvannshøgda in Oslo. Going forward, the cool weather will move down into the lowlands. There is a Christmas atmosphere at Stryken in Lunner. In the next few days, there may be more snow here and in other places in Austlandet. Photo: Turid Myhre Rogneby High-lying areas in Trøndelag and Møre and Romsdal can also look forward to a bright start in December. But not further south in Western Norway. Here, people have to wait a while longer before they can find the ski. – The low pressure coming in from the sea will bring with it mild air in most places in the west, says Vågane. Warmer in Longyearbyen than in Paris Longyearbyen leaves behind a mild November, and on the night of Tuesday it was measured at 5.2 degrees. By comparison, it was 4 degrees in Paris on Tuesday morning. In Northern Norway, some rain is forecast, but mostly cloudy and cloudy weather for the next few days. As a result, there may be large contrasts in the weather in the future, as was the case in large parts of November. The last autumn month was warm and dry, but also full of snow for parts of the country. Some places have only received a third of the rainfall in November. Others have received twice as much snow as normal. At Flå in Hallingdal, the snow has come suddenly. The fruit is still ripe. Photo: Bente Damengen Tollefsen Last night it was 10 degrees in Møre and Romsdal, but it will be cooler in the future. The low temperatures will continue for a while and it will take a long time before there are double-digit temperatures again.
