The “Silje case” has been fully investigated and forwarded to the state attorney – news Trøndelag

Silje Marie Redergård (5) was found dead in a toboggan run at Tiller in Trondheim in 1994. At the time, three boys aged four, five and six were blamed for her friend’s death. The police in Trøndelag said in August that the case was almost fully investigated. They had then been in contact with over 30 witnesses since the case was reopened. On Friday, it is clear that the police have concluded the investigation and handed over the case to the Trøndelag state prosecutor’s office. They expect to have a decision ready by the end of the year, says First State Attorney in Trøndelag State Attorney’s Office, Unni Sandøy, to news. Now the police state that since January 2022 they have been in contact with around 40 witnesses, including several new witnesses who have not been involved in the case before. Several of the witnesses from 1994 have been questioned again. Technical investigations have also been carried out in the case and expert assessments have been obtained. In addition, records from public agencies have been obtained and reviewed. The investigative team has had assistance from Kripos and throughout the process investigated the case based on several hypotheses. Among other things, whether there can be alternative perpetrators. – We consider that there are no further relevant investigative steps remaining. It will now be up to the state prosecutors to make a further assessment of the case, says prosecutor Mette Kollstrøm in Trøndelag police district. Wanted the case away from Trøndelag At the end of October, the lawyer for the man news calls the “6-year-old” came out and said that he wanted the police in Trøndelag to no longer be responsible for the case. Sigurd Klomsæt defends the man who was six years old when he was blamed for Silje’s death. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB – I think it’s going to be a bit of a mess and would like to see the case moved to another instance, said lawyer Sigurd Klomsæt at the time. The police in Trøndelag told news that they had no objections to another police district taking over the investigation when the case was reopened. – On our own initiative, we asked the state prosecutors to assess whether we were the right ones to investigate the case in terms of legal capacity, says Eli Trondvold Aasland, who heads the joint unit for prosecution in Trøndelag police district. – We had no objections to another police district investigating the case at the time, and neither do we now. This will be up to the state attorneys to assess. When the case was ordered to be reopened, it was someone else who led the public prosecutor’s offices in Trøndelag. Today’s leader, Unni Sandøy, says that a competency assessment was carried out. – It appears that Trøndelag Police District’s competence has been assessed and that they are believed to be competent, she says and points out that no question of competence has been raised either before or during the investigation. Silje 29:42 The evidence 45:09 The interrogations 45:07 New assessment 44:40
