The serval Niño is to be euthanized – animal organization believes – news Vestland is objectionable

Euthanasia became an early topic of conversation after the serval Niño was observed in Os outside Bergen at the end of June. Now the animal welfare organization Noah is reacting to new confirmations that the animal will not be allowed to live on. After securing a place for the serval at a rescue center in South Africa, Noah sent an application to the Norwegian Environment Agency, the organization writes to NTB. After two months, the Norwegian Environment Agency replied that the decision to kill the serval stands. According to Noah, the Norwegian Environment Agency writes that they can only consider relocation in the case of endangered species. – There are places that specialize in looking after animals like Niño, and Noah now has a concrete collaboration with one of these, writes Siri Martinsen, head of the animal protection organization Noah, in an email to NTB. She criticizes the Norwegian Environment Agency for rejecting a practical, cost-effective and good solution, and expresses to NTB that she hopes they will turn the matter around. Siri Martinsen, head of Noah, thinks it is objectionable that the Norwegian Environment Agency still wants to cull the serval. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / news The owner charged Two weeks after the observation, the owner of the serval was charged for having broken the Game Act and the Natural Diversity Act. Serval, which is an African feline, is illegal to own in Norway. The owner, who is a young woman, had the serval illegally imported from abroad in December 2021. In an interview with the police, she has pleaded guilty. The serval Niño was observed in Os at the end of June when it escaped from home. Photo: Steffen Ljosheim
