The Security Council discusses the gas leaks in the Baltic Sea – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Holes have been blown in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. The authorities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark believe it is sabotage, but will not press charges against anyone. Researcher Ståle Ulriksen at the Norwegian Naval Academy believes that Russia is behind the gas leaks in the Baltic Sea on the night of Monday. Russia denies the accusations. On Friday, the UN Security Council will meet to discuss the leaks in the gas pipelines following a summons from Russia. – We are forced to note that some of our colleagues in the council have reached a new low point, says Russia’s UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzya. The Danish defense has released this image of the gas leak at Nord Stream 2 taken from an F-16 aircraft stationed on Bornholm. Photo: The Danish Armed Forces Denmark and Sweden are not members of the UN Security Council, but have written a letter in an attempt to influence the talks, according to NTB. The explosions were measured respectively at 2.3 and 2.1 on the Richter scale, which probably corresponds to “several hundred kilograms” of explosives. The map shows the gas leak on Nord Stream 1. The leak is approximately located based on information from MarineTraffic. During a press conference on Friday afternoon, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says that Norway has a responsibility to secure a critical part of the energy supply to Europe. – This is a situation where it is safe to have allies and where allies feel that it is safe to have Norway. This is the issue: Gas leaks in the Baltic Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) during a press conference on Friday. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news The police increase security Due to the security policy situation, the police are taking further measures to be able to prevent and avert criminal acts or other unwanted incidents in Norway. This is what the Norwegian Police Directorate writes in a press release on Friday evening. Director of Emergency Preparedness, Tone Vangen, nevertheless says that there is no concrete threat to Norway. – But the police have implemented several measures to ensure the best possible preparedness in an uncertain time. The measures are about helping to reduce vulnerability and increase security around socially critical infrastructure, she explains. The armed forces have increased their presence in the areas around Norwegian oil and gas installations. – This applies to presence and patrols with forces both on land, in the air, at sea, underwater and in the cyber domain, says Marius Vågenes Villanger at the Norwegian Armed Forces’ operational headquarters to news.
