The security arrangement for the prime minister found on the streets – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Wednesday, news received this tip from an anonymous person who had found a pile of papers on the street in central Trondheim: “Found these documents lying in the middle of the road in Trondheim outside Scandic Nidelven at 2045 on Monday evening (19.02.2024). Although a little later these were marked “internal” and delivered them back to the Police House around 2300 by pushing them under the front door (it was closed).” On one of the pages it was written: “Operation: Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre’s visit to Røros 20/2”. From the number of Støre’s car to the names of the bodyguards Over more than 10 pages, there was supplementary information about threat assessments, bodyguards and a detailed program for the prime minister’s visit. In professional terms, such a plan is called an operation order. Such orders are common when the Prime Minister is travelling. The operation order that was found on the streets of central Trondheim. The digital document was printed on paper and lost. Among other things, it describes in detail how the visit will be carried out and where the Prime Minister is located down to the minute. It says what type of car Støre drives, the number of the car and who is driving it, the full name and number of the bodyguards from PST who were supposed to look after the Prime Minister and how to secure the places he was. They contained detailed information about the type of weapon the local police carried, and that they had a machine gun with them in the car. – Unfortunate – This is information that the police want to keep to themselves, and it is unfortunate that this got out. says Geir Arne Sjøhagen. He is chief of staff in the Trøndelag police district. – It is an operational order that describes the execution of a mission, and it is the crew involved in the mission that uses it for support. Sjøhagen says the order is a digital document. The man who found the stack of papers handed it over to the police. – So that it has been taken out in that way, it can probably happen, but then it must be handled so that it does not go astray. There must be a security culture around this, where you are aware that you look after documents in a safe and secure manner. Learned that the order had gone astray when news called Sjøhagen says they learned that the operation order had gone astray when news called the police operations manager on Wednesday. – We must get some time to investigate how this happened. He says they have notified PST and the Lifeguard Service. – How will you try to get to the bottom of this? Geir Arne Sjøhagen, chief of staff in Trøndelag police district. Photo: NTB – It would be natural to take a round with those who were involved in the scheme first and foremost, I think. – How could this have affected the security situation of the prime minister? – That visit here is over now. Had we been aware of this during the visit, we would have made assessments in relation to the damage potential and implemented measures in relation to it, says the chief of staff.
