The Sámi Parliament and the state do not agree on the content of the investigation program for Fosen – news Trøndelag

According to what TV 2 understands, the Sami Parliament believes that there is no longer a basis for continuing communication with the Ministry of Oil and Energy (OED) about the investigation programme. The investigation program is the state’s proposal for conditions that should be clarified and worked on in order to arrive at a solution in the Fosen case. – This is very serious. We have submitted several inputs and proposals both on people and wording for the study programme. We have not been heard despite the fact that we have had three consultation meetings, says Sámi Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka to the channel. Sami Parliament President Silje Moutka tells TV 2 that the situation is serious. Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / news In a meeting on Thursday 27 April between Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka and Energy Minister Terje Aasland, it was established that it is not possible to reach an agreement on an investigation programme. But that does not mean that all communication with the state about the Fosen case has been broken, says Moutka to news. – We have not broken the collaboration. But the consultation is over for this time. Because we do not agree on the content of the investigation program and how the Fosen case should be resolved, says Moutka. Sámediggi ja ráđđehus eaba beassan ovttaoaivilvuhtii mo čoavdit Fovsen-ášši – news Sápmi – Sami news, culture and entertainment Following two tracks for a solution The investigation program is the formal track for a solution in the Fosen case. This can be a time-consuming process. The consultation meeting this week was between the state at the Ministry of Oil and Energy (OED) and the Sami Parliament. Earlier this month, among other things, the southern group of Sámi at Fosen also had a consultation meeting with the OED. Sør-Fosen sit in a consultation meeting with the state at the Ministry of Oil and Energy. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news After this meeting, it became known that national mediator Mats Ruland will assist in the communication between those affected, the developers and the state in order to reach an amicable solution between the parties if possible. Because in parallel with the study programme, work is also being done to arrive at a more direct and agreed solution between those affected by the wind power development at Fosen. The development companies have said that they are positive that Ruland will be connected and that they want a quick clarification of the matter. The affected families at Fosen are not dismissive either. Agreed to end the consultation without agreement – We did not agree on the study programme. The Sámi Parliament regrets the situation that has arisen, says Moutka. The Sámi Parliament and OED did not agree on the framework for the research programme. The Sámi Parliament believes, among other things, that it is not right for the state to investigate a new matter that has already been investigated and established in the Supreme Court judgment. Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland says this to TV 2: “Me and the Sámi Parliament president had a good meeting yesterday, where we concluded a series of consultation meetings on the study programme. We agree that we are now ending the consultation, even though we did not reach agreement on the study programme. We are now waiting for the latest feedback from the reindeer husbandry, and will determine the study program shortly.” – Unacceptable Business policy spokesperson in Rødt, Geir Jørgensen, reacts to the breach between the Sámi Parliament and the government. He fears that this will lead to paralysis of action and infighting in the follow-up to the Fosendommen. – It is completely unacceptable if Aasland and the OED try to investigate the Supreme Court verdict. The state has lost in the Supreme Court, and cannot investigate the breach of international law at Fosen, he says. Jørgensen believes the government should ensure that the turbines at Fosen are removed. – How does Aasland expect the reindeer herders and the Sami community to have confidence in the investigation program and the process further, if the OED tries for a rematch by casting doubt on the premises of the Supreme Court judgement? Geir Jørgensen is a parliamentary representative from Nordland for the party Red. Photo: Helle Westrum / news
