The Sami get indigenous status in the Constitution – Latest news – news

15 May 2023 at 16:44 The Sami get indigenous status in the Constitution The Storting decided on Monday that the Sami should be called an indigenous people in the Constitution. The change takes effect immediately. 147 representatives voted for the proposal, while 22 representatives voted against. The Progress Party is the only party that opposed, it appears from the recommendation from the Control and Constitution Committee. A two-thirds majority is required to adopt a constitutional amendment. The Labor Party’s Lubna Boby Jaffery, spokesperson for the proposal, said ahead of the vote that the party has for a long time wanted the Constitution to refer to the Sami as an indigenous people. – It is of great symbolic importance. By recognizing the Sami as an indigenous people in the Constitution, you put a permanent end to the policy of Norwegianization, she says.
