The sale of soft drinks has doubled – fears that young people will drink more – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Shop operator Erling Jensen notices an increase in demand for soft drinks on his shop shelves. The sale of soft drinks has increased by 30 per cent since 2019, and has more than doubled in 10 years. Younger customers are particularly fond of the sweet alcoholic drinks, and there are always new flavors they want to test out. A large selection, colorful drinks and good availability lower the list for when young people make their debut with alcohol, say the critics. The pandemic and cross-border trade still have an impact on alcohol sales, and it is not necessarily a question of increased consumption, but that we buy more of the alcohol at home, the producers believe. Rusbrus accounts for around 4 per cent of alcohol turnover, despite the growth in percentage. Alcohol-free alternatives are also a trend, with an increase of 50 per cent in the last decade. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The merchant at OBS’s supermarket in Arendal is busy collecting new cases of soft drinks from the warehouse. He stacks bottles in every imaginable color onto the shop shelves. – It really gets away with this type of drink. We have seen an increase, he says. Jensen says that it is especially younger customers who like the sweet alcoholic drinks. – There are constantly new types with other flavors. We now have over 30 different varieties of sweet drinks that contain alcohol. Young people often want to test the new. The junkyard in this country has gone straight to heaven. Merchant Erling Jensen says it is often young people who like the sweet drinks. More than double the sale Last year, more than 26 million liters of soft drinks were sold in Norway. According to Statistics Norway, the sale has more than doubled in ten years. The alcohol consumption reached a peak in 2021, then leveled off in 2022. In 2023, the consumption reached a new peak. Vetle I’m on my way to the grocery store. He knows his way around the trend. In his own youth gang, it’s mostly booze. – Most people I know drink soft drinks at parties. There are exciting flavors and nice colours. It increases the atmosphere, he says. Vetle I say most of his gang drank soft drinks. Another customer, Heidi Løvdal Nyland, is not as enthusiastic about the new trend. – Not really. It’s too sweet for me. And then you can’t get in the car and drive afterwards. But she understands why it can strike a chord, especially among young people. – It’s easy to drink. It tastes like juice. Despite large stacks of alcoholic drinks, it goes away quickly. Photo: Espen Bierud / news – Appears more “harmless” The sale of wine, beer and spirits has increased by between 10 and 20 per cent from 2019. In the same short period, sales of soft drinks have increased by 30 per cent. General secretary of the alkovet association Av-og-til, Ragnhild Kaski, is worried about the development. She believes that the industry is particularly aimed at young people. It is a product with sweet flavors and little taste of alcohol. – It appears more harmless, and it can quickly make young people start drinking alcohol earlier. It can also cause more people to drink more. Ragnhild Kaski believes that the similarity with non-alcoholic drinks makes it easier for young people to start drinking alcohol. Photo: Sometimes Kaski adds that such products are also more easily visible in social media, especially with influencers. – The producers have an important responsibility to prevent an increasing trend, she believes. What’s your favorite drink at a party? Beer Wine Spirit Soft drinks It varies Don’t drink alcohol Show result – Alcohol-free is the trend Those who produce soft drinks in this country caution against exaggerating the increase in soft drinks. – Despite the growth in percentage, this type of drink only accounts for around 4 per cent of alcohol sales. That’s according to director of the Brewery and Beverage Association, Erlend Vagnild Fuglum. – It is important to bear in mind that the effects of the pandemic and cross-border trade still play a role. We are still not back to a “normal situation”. Director of the Brewery and Beverage Association, Erlend Vagnild Fuglum, says the trend towards non-alcoholic drinks is stronger than the drug abuse trend. Photo: Siri Saugstad / news Fuglum says it does not necessarily mean increased consumption, but that we buy more of the alcohol at home, instead of abroad. And he believes there are other trends that are just as important. – Alcohol-free alternatives are the trend now. There would be an increase in the number of over 50 per cent in the last decade, he adds. Both Vinmonopolet and the grocery industry sell more alcohol-free varieties. Figures from Vinmonopolet show an increase of 12 per cent from 2021–2022. The table below shows the development in sales of alcoholic beverages in the years 2013–2023. The figure is given in 1,000 litres, and is taken from Statistics Norway. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 15.06.2024, at 11.33
