The sale of heaters has exploded – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Temperatures may drop to minus 25 degrees in the next few days, which has led to an increase in the sale of heaters. Both Elkjøp and Power have noticed a significant increase in sales. There is a possibility that goods may run out due to high demand. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Should we just go for it or not? Torgeir Nikolaisen looks at the last available panel oven at Elkjøp in Fredrikstad. When the shop opened on Thursday, he and his wife were ready. – We need more heat, now that it will be minus 20 degrees, says Nikolaisen. The blast cold, which has already hit parts of Finnmark, is expected to reach southern Norway from Thursday. It will be coldest in the interior of Eastern Norway. Torgeir and Tone got hold of the last panel oven of the type they were supposed to have. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news The family already has three ovens at home, but they want to be prepared before the blast cold arrives in full force. – Now we’re going home and firing! We are going out and done our shopping, so we can be in at the weekend, says Tone Nikolaisen. It is not only the married couple from Fredrikstad who have thought about the cold temperatures that lie ahead. – The sale of heaters has taken off completely recently, says sales manager Arnstein Værdal at Elkjøp Norge. Competitor Power also notices that people are preparing. – We see that sales throughout the country have increased considerably during Christmas and up to today beyond “normal”, says marketing manager Elizabeth Gill. Torgeir Nikolaisen is very pleased to have got hold of a panel oven before it gets colder outside. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news Can break cold records On Thursday, high pressure is building up over southern parts of Scandinavia. – It seems that we can get temperatures down to 20 to 25 minus degrees. In some places, the temperature can also be even lower. That says Martin Granerød, meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute. In Finnmark, the Siberian cold has already hit. – It’s already cold on Finnmarksvidda. It was minus 35 degrees there on the night of Wednesday, says Granerød. The blast cold hits southern Norway in full from Thursday to Saturday. Illustration: Meteorological Institute Towards the weekend, it seems that Eastern Norway will have the coldest temperature. If the weather is as forecast, it will be unusually cold. – The last time we had minus 20 at Blindern in Oslo was in 2010. So if we get such a low temperature, it has been 14 years since the last time it was this cold, says the meteorologist. The record from 1941 of 26 minus degrees in Oslo will take quite a bit to beat, believes Granerød. – But at the same time, there is a small possibility that the weather could be this cold. May run out of goods At the Elkjøp store in Fredrikstad, department store manager Anders Foss says that they have sold many ovens recently. Anders Foss is warehouse manager for Elkjøp in Fredrikstad. He says that many people have come to buy stoves lately. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news – It is extremely seasonal. When it gets really cold, sales take off completely. The same applies to air conditioning when it gets really hot, says Foss. When the couple Nikolaisen came to shop, the shelves with heaters were almost empty. They say that they had to look in several shops before they found the heater they were looking for. – The influx makes it difficult to keep the pallets full, says the warehouse manager. But Foss assures that the shelves are filled as quickly as possible. Several of the pallets with ovens were completely empty at Elkjøp in Fredrikstad on Thursday. New goods are being replenished, says warehouse manager Anders Foss. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news The electronics stores news has spoken to say there is so far no shortage of heaters. But they emphasize that it may be a good idea to be out early. – As of now, there is a good amount of goods in stock, but we would not recommend our customers to wait too long. With the cold temperatures that have been reported in the future, and the demand that we are seeing now, we may run out of goods, says Arnstein Værdal, sales manager at Elkjøp Norge. Tone and Torgeir are well prepared for the cold expected in the area. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news
