The sailing duo Helene Næss and Marie Rønningen gained 13 kilograms in weight to sail better – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

It was when the rule change for what is permitted equipment on the sailboat came in 2021 that the problem started for Helene Næss and Marie Rønningen. Until then, the equipment on the duo’s sailboat, a two-person dinghy 49er FX, allowed them to have a lighter weight. But then sails in carbon fiber were introduced – a very stiff sail that generated more power, and thus required more weight to be able to accelerate. – We didn’t have much to contend with, explains Marie Rønningen. The solution was obvious: They had to gain weight. SKIFF: Helene steers the dinghy and is responsible for strategy and tactics on the course. Marie is responsible for sail trim and the speed and performance of the boat. Photo: Thomas Guttormsen – Almost a little too much food In order to put on weight, Næss and Rønningen have been training a lot with weights. And eat. A lot. – We are probably 13 kilos heavier now, explains Næss and emphasizes that it is mainly muscle they have put on. – It’s also a bit greasy, adds Rønningen, laughing. The former European champions were helped by a nutritionist at the Olympiatoppen in order to put on weight in a healthy and safe way. The focus was on eating the same as before, only more. – We didn’t want to start counting calories or weighing our food, says Næss. They completely agree that it would not be a healthy approach. The duo explains that simple things were done, such as adding a couple of extra slices of cheese on the bread slice, eating nuts between meals, and replacing light products with the whole versions, which are higher in fat. – And then we could eat ice cream or sweets every day, as it provided extra calories. So there has been quite a bit of candy in the evenings, says Næss. A LOT OF MUSCLES: The duo have had countless hours of strength training to make the boat go faster. Photo: Håvard Greger Hagen / news Will fight for the medals The result was not long in coming. The opponents have been stunned. – They are completely like “what happened to you?” Rønningen tells of an extreme change. Now shoot the boat speed. – It is incredibly wonderful to be rewarded for the work we have put in, and we have received a lot of praise. – Have there been any negative aspects of gaining weight? – It’s not so cool to put on the trousers you usually wear, and then they are tighter and fit differently, says Rønning. She is nevertheless clear that it was a weight gain with a goal, and that he is therefore worth it. – It would have been much easier to sit back after the Olympics and be like: “My God, if only we had gained those kilos, we would have been fighting for the medals”. They are done gaining weight. But whether the weight will be maintained, adjusted or dropped after the Olympics, they are unsure. – Now the goal is to stay where we are, there is still a bit of trial and error. It may well be that the situation means that, for example, we have to lose a couple of kilos again towards the Olympics, if you see that it pays off, explains Næss. – But the weight gain is meant to be permanent, she adds. – Necessarily The duo’s trainer, Thomas Guttormsen, is also very satisfied with the results the weight gain has given. – Last year they were among the teams that weighed the least. This meant that they fought for medals when there was little wind, but were among the worst when there was a lot of wind. This year they match the field and the best, in all respects. – Was the weight gain your suggestion? – After the WC, we all understood that it was necessary, in order to perform better, says Guttormsen and adds: – The weight in the boat must be kilos they can master, and there is a lot of strength and movement training needed for the technique to agree with the increase in weight. They have managed that, and now they can really aim for the Olympics in 2024.
