The Russian army withdraws from Kherson – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Lately, Ukrainian forces are said to have been getting closer and closer to the city of Kherson. According to some reports, they will now be only about 15 kilometers from the city. It has also been speculated whether the Ukrainians would launch a major attack on the city. The Russian military forces recently started building defenses on the east side of the Dnipro River. But previously the Russians have said that they have planned to defend Kherson city. Now, on the other hand, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says that he ordered the forces to withdraw from the western side of the Dnipro. The reason is the Ukrainian attacks near the southern part of Kherson. Kherson city is located on the west side of the river Dnipro. Photo: ANDREY BORODULIN / AFP Stoltenberg: Encouraging NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is awaiting the news of Russian withdrawal. – We have seen the announcement, but we will wait and see what actually happens on the ground. But it is encouraging to see how the brave Ukrainian forces manage to liberate more and more Ukrainian territory, says Stoltenberg to news. – We still must not underestimate Russia. They have capabilities that can cause great destruction. We see how they use drones and rockets to attack Ukrainian cities and infrastructure, but we see that Ukraine is also gaining ground in the south around Kherson. – Could this be the beginning of the end of the war? – It is far too early to say, but this is another example of Ukraine winning, says Stoltenberg. Symbolically important The war in Ukraine is led on the Russian side by General Sergej Surovikin. He tells state Russian TV that it is no longer possible to get supplies to the city of Kherson. He has proposed setting up defensive lines on the eastern side of the river. Kherson city was occupied by Russian forces shortly after the war began on 24 February. It is the only regional capital the Russians have held, and therefore it is very symbolically important that they now lose it. Kherson county is also one of four areas that the Russian authorities recently annexed. Ukrainian forces fire on Russian military at Kherson. Photo: BULENT KILIC / AFP Ukrainians skeptical According to the Reuters news agency, this is the Russians’ most significant withdrawal so far in the war, and it may also prove to be a turning point. Seen from the Ukrainian side, what is happening now is clearly a great victory. Their forces have inflicted a long series of defeats on the Russian army in recent months. An adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tells Reuters that it is too early to talk about a Russian withdrawal from Kherson. – Ukraine does not care about Russian statements, because words and actions are different, says adviser Mykhailo Podoljak.
