The rumor is about Norway – huge increase in refugees from Ukraine – news Vestland

Something happened towards the end of August. Newly arrived refugees from Ukraine rose to over a thousand a week. Since then, the number has remained at this level. In week 35, it peaked with 1,334 newly arrived Ukrainians in the country. Figures from UDI show that the number of Ukrainian refugees in the first half of 2023 was mostly 300-550 a week. – We are seeing a doubling of the number of refugees from Ukraine, says Director of UDI, Frode Forfang. – Many came at the beginning of the war, but the number has stabilized since then. But something happened in late summer. Forfang believes that it will be a challenge for the reception apparatus and the municipalities if the number of refugees is as high in the future. On Wednesday, the UDI has called a press conference to tell about the increase, and how Norway will accept and settle the refugees in the future. Come for the safety net A total of 63,414 people from Ukraine applied for asylum in Norway since the war started. One of the many thousands who have fled a homeland under attack is Oleh Bezdolnyi. – I didn’t have money for rent, medicine or food, explains the 60-year-old man as he leans on the stick outside his flat in Bergen. He admits that he did thorough research before setting out on the 3,000-kilometer journey from Zaporizhzhya. – I read about various European countries for several months. I watched many videos. In the end, I chose Norway because there is security for even the sick here. Bezdolnyi maintains daily contact with his family in Ukraine Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news Bezdolnyi says he received medical attention and vital medicines when he came to Norway. Things he had missed in Ukraine. He cannot fully praise his new homeland. – I am satisfied. I feel protected here. He keeps in touch with his family in Ukraine, and tells all about his new life here. news has been in contact with several Ukrainians who have come to Norway in recent months. They say that both blogs and online newspapers come with positive reviews of life and the arrangements here. Rumor has it – At the start of the war of aggression, people fled to places they knew. Now there are more investigations behind. Researcher Vilde Hernes at Oslo Met is working to find out more about the Ukrainian refugee trauma. She says most people have made a thorough assessment of where they want their new homeland. – It could be the opportunity to learn a language, school for the children and help to get housing. Many Ukrainians who are in Norway are very satisfied, and report back home about their experiences. Vilde Hernes, senior researcher at NIBR, Oslo Met Photo: Sonja Balci / OSLOMET Hernes says that the perspective on the war has changed. In the beginning, people were mostly concerned with getting away. Now they are thinking about what can be a good homeland in the long term. The researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) says all countries, and Norway, must make new assessments regarding the Ukrainian refugees. – Decisions were made with the view that the war would be short-lived. Now it looks like it will last. Then we need to go through the arrangements again.
