– The ruling powers are not telling the truth – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

More than 3,600 kilometers separate us as the crow flies. From his home in Saqqez, a Kurdish town in the west of Iran, Amjad Amini tells news on the phone how his daughter died. He does not want to appear on video or in pictures, to protect himself and his family. – When they left the subway station, they were stopped by the morality police who took her into their car. Amini’s tombstone reads: “Dear Jina, you will never be dead. You have become a symbol.” – She said to them: “I’m not known in the town, please don’t let me in.” But they didn’t listen to her and pushed her. After that, I don’t know what happened next. Amjad says that he will without a doubt report the matter to the police, and that his greatest wish is to find out who is responsible, and for them to admit that they have done something wrong. – They have killed a young person. The life of a 22-year-old has come to an end. Everything has been ruined for us. When they talk about the 22-year-old they have lost, the family uses her Kurdish name: Jina. Amini had her picture taken on the subway shortly before she was arrested. Seier’s daughter was completely healthy, the 22-year-old was visiting her family in Tehran for the first time, and was with her brother when she was arrested by the morality police, write several news agencies. The reason must have been that she was wearing the hijab “incorrectly”, write both governing authorities and state media. The problem was that she showed too much of her hair, several international media report, as Iran has strict rules for how the garment should be worn. Eyewitnesses say that Amini screamed and was beaten before she was forced into a police car. A video from the police station shows her signing on. The recording then stops. Amini at the hospital in Tehran. Amini died in a hospital in the capital after a stroke and several heart attacks, three days after she was stopped in the street, writes Al Jazeera. When Amjad arrived at the hospital, the doctors refused to see his daughter, he says to news. The police in Iran have previously claimed that the cause of death was a heart problem, but have since said that she had died several times at work. – No, this is in no way true, says Amjad. – Maybe she had a bit of a cold, but she had no illnesses. On the day she was admitted to the hospital, I saw bruises on her legs, and that both legs had turned black. – I demanded that forensic people look into it, but I was not heard. Reports of 31 civilians killed Several Iranian women have torn off their mandatory headscarves in protest. Videos on social media show others burning their hijabs or cutting off their hair. Pictures from the demonstrations have circulated on social media. Head of the organization Iran Human Rights in Oslo, Mahmood Amiry-Mohgaddam, says the organization has received reports of 30 deaths on Thursday in connection with the protests. The IHR reports that the real figure is probably much higher. – We are helping a regime that has done this for many, many years. It is not unusual for other people to be killed in captivity or in other circumstances, and for the authorities to report it as either suicide or illness. The IHR believes from the evidence they have seen that Amini was the victim of violence because the authorities said she had not covered up, and has asked for an international investigation into the death. Amiry-Mohgaddam nevertheless says that he has not seen so much anger in the country before, despite 15 years of protests against violations of human rights in Iran. – I think that what happened to Mahsa is the last straw that made the cup run over. – The way they react, the way they stand against the armed forces, I have never seen that before. On the one hand there are completely ordinary people who demand to be given the opportunity to live a normal life, and on the other there are armed police who shoot at them. Denies that Mahsa was beaten The Iranian embassy in Oslo has sent a response to news about the debts. – The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed his sympathy for the family in a telephone conversation with Mahsa Amini’s father, they write in an email. Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi addressed the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. Photo: Mary Altaffer / AP – According to the video recording taken by the police and the primary documents of the forensic doctors, which have also been shared with Mahsa Amini’s family, she was not beaten in any way. Amjad says that they got to see a surveillance video from the police station. – They have only shown us a selected clip of the surveillance images, but not everything. I demanded that they show us video from outside the police station and inside the car. – They only said that the batteries on the cameras were dead, and we have no recording of what happened there. The spokesperson for the embassy further writes that “certain circles and groups are trying to abuse this unfortunate, human case for ulterior political purposes”. The deaths reported by Iranian state media are significantly lower than the IHR’s figures. A demonstration in the Iranian capital on Wednesday. Photo: – / AFP They report on Thursday afternoon that 17 people have died in connection with the demonstrations, and that three police officers have also been killed. Reuters writes that several police stations and cars have been seen set on fire in the capital Tehran as well as several other cities. “Can lead to big change” Amiry-Mohgaddam believes that the protests it has led to can lead to “a big change” in Iran, among other things due to increasing opposition to the current regime. The head of Iran Human Rights believes that the real number of dead in Iran is higher than what is reported. Photo: PETTER BERNTSEN / AFP – They do not have the people’s support, so if people lose their fear and stand against the regime, the protests can go as far as possible, which means that the whole regime fell. – But what we are naturally afraid of, based on the knowledge we have, is that they will go to great lengths to retain power. Huitfelt reacts – I brought up Mahsa Amini’s tragic death when I met Iran’s foreign minister in New York today. It was clear to me that death is something many of us react strongly to. It is important that the incident is investigated. Those behind it must be held accountable, says Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt to news. She will raise the issue in meetings with Iran and the UN. – It is very disturbing that several people should have lost their lives in connection with Iranian security forces’ reactions to the demonstrations after the death. The protests send a strong signal to Iran’s governing authorities that the hijab mandate and today’s enforcement of it is something many Iranians experience and react to as an assault on the freedom of the individual, says Huitfeldt.
