The royal couple continues the Nordland tour – news Nordland

During the county tour in Nordland, the king talks for the first time about his own health after his hospitalization in May. Only a couple of months after King Harald was admitted to the National Hospital with an infection, the royal couple is on an official visit to Vevelstad municipality – Many are concerned about the king’s health after his hospitalization in May. How is the king? – How do I look? It’s going well, King Harald replies and laughs heartily. The king has been on sick leave a number of times in the past year. Queen Sonja has the following to say about how she has experienced her husband’s period of illness: – It is not exactly the most pleasant period in one’s life. But it has gone incredibly well, and I also know that the king has the best doctors and very good dialogue too. – What I can say is that it was boring, says the king himself about the hospitalizations. The royal couple are also asked about pride. – There has been a lot of talk about queers in society, which has caused a lot of incitement and the burning of pride flags. What do the royal couple think about it? – There is no one in society who deserves incitement, says King Harald. – It shouldn’t be like that, adds Queen Sonja. – Everyone must be allowed to live their own lives. Incitement, I think we should stop, continues the king. The royal couple arrive in Vevelstad during their county visit to Nordland. Photo: Monica White Martinsen / news – Here we are in beautiful Vevelstad and are reminded that beauty is often to be found in the small things, said the queen when she spoke in front of the assembly earlier that day. She also took the time to praise the municipality for how they have welcomed Ukrainian refugees: – Thank you for opening your arms and hearts, houses and community to people seeking comfort and safety. – That way we can create as good a life as possible for each other. By looking beyond ourselves and by recognizing that what we do to others also affects ourselves. See how the royal couple were welcomed in Vevelstad: King Harald and Queen Sonja have always had a plan to visit all of the country’s 356 municipalities. After this week, they can cross off a further six of the 23 municipalities that remain. Third stop was Leirfjord municipality. King Harald gave a speech to those present. – Here in Leirfjord, we felt the care from the moment we first set foot on land. Now we have been welcomed with beautiful singing here at the sports ground, said the king. The king was full of good words about the municipality, and also brought up renewable energy sources, and how important it is to utilize natural resources for the good of both the planet and people, writes NTB. – Norway needs their way of thinking. We need everyone who is concerned with using our resources and values ​​as best as possible.
