The Rosenborg crisis worsened after another loss – Kjetil Rekdal summoned to a meeting – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Post shots, huge chances and new penalty opportunities. All to no avail. At least in terms of points. That is the conclusion for a Rosenborg in crisis after a visit to Brann Stadion on Monday evening. Markus Henriksen reduced from the penalty spot 20 minutes before the end, but to little help. Instead, it was the hosts who got to cheer the most after their three goals – in the match they won 3–1. – Do you feel pressured? – Yes, losing games is no fun. The only way out of it is to get better and develop. Today we get to show off some good things, but we have to show more good things for 90 minutes, says Rosenborg coach Kjetil Rekdal to news. On Monday evening, Adressa writes that the club’s coaches have been summoned to Wednesday’s board meeting. Monday’s loss means that the nightmare start to the season continues for Rosenborg, who have nine points after nine games. After the cup match against Trygg/Lade, during the night, several protest banners were hung around Rosenborg’s training facility and clubhouse. “Take däkker together” and “OBOS?” it said on two of them. In an open letter from the Rosenborg supporter group Kjernen, they come with heavy fire against the coaching team on Monday. – 9 points in 9 games. Same as Lillestrøm had in 2019. It is relegation pace, and we therefore expect the board to act. Kjetil Rekdal and Geir Frigård should now be finished as head coaches in RBK, the letter says. Kjetil Rekdal has not yet responded to news’s ​​request for a comment on the case, while Geir Frigård does not want to comment on the outcome of Kjernen. – In adventurous form But getting together doesn’t need Bård Finne in any way. – He is in fantastic shape. He has never been better. He delivers in match after match after match, shouted TV 2’s Øyvind Alsaker when Finne sent the home team into the lead before the break. SUPER FORM: Bård Finne. Photo: Bjørnar Morønning / NTB The teams went into the dressing room at 1-0 to Brann, and after the break Ole Didrik Blomberg doubled, despite the fact that it was Rekdal’s men who played their way to the biggest chances. – We have to get better at taking care of the ball. And then we have to turn the game around a lot more. Brann are intensive in their pressure, was Rekdal’s order to his players during the break. The battle scene was occasionally chaotic, and the pace was high. An apparently nervous and uneasy Rekdal sat on the bench and watched as his chosen eleven missed chance after chance. Penalty despair and joy Kristall Máni Ingason had an adventurous opportunity to reduce in the second half, but missed the penalty mark. Fortunately for the Icelander, Brann goalkeeper Mathias Dyngeland was a little too far out when he saved the penalty and it had to be taken again. – Even more drama, Alsaker commented when it became clear that the visitors got another chance from the penalty spot. REDUCED: Markus Henriksen was sure of his punishment. Photo: Bjørnar Morønning / NTB Rekdal was clear that he wanted a new penalty taker in action, which the Brann players and supporters were very unhappy about. But to a loud pipe concert, Henriksen put the ball safely into the goal. and then Finne punctuated the match. – This is how it is in football, you get what you deserve, says RBK captain Henriksen to news after the match. – We have to look at the reality. We are where we are for a reason, he continues. – Are you a bottom team? – We are where we are. I haven’t seen much of the table, but we are closer to the bottom than the top. That is the reality.
