The roommate told the police that the defendant was at home all night – news Vestland

A father of a small child from Bergen (30) has been charged with aggravated assault resulting in death, after Ronny Nygård (43) died in a car park south of Åsane terminal three years ago. The man denied criminal liability when the case against him started in Hordaland district court this week. The defendant remembers very little of the evening and night when he and the deceased were caught on a surveillance camera at the bus terminal, at 02:58 on the night of 1 June 2019. Both left the city on the same night bus. They did not know each other from before. After a short time they walked south together towards the car park. The next day, Nygård was found dead here. STUCK IN THE MOUTH: The prosecution believes the 30-year-old accused choked or strangled Ronny Nygård with a branch around his neck. Nygård is also said to have been stabbed in the mouth with this twig, but only the deceased’s DNA has been found on it. Photo: The police – Unreal One of the many witnesses in Hordaland district court in the last two days was the roommate of the 30-year-old defendant. In June 2019, they had been lovers for around four years and had a child together. – It is completely unreal. This is not something I would have thought he could do, said the woman about her roommate being charged in the case. She further said that she, the roommate and the sister of the roommate were at their home in Åsane on Friday 31 May. During the evening they ate take-away pizza, before her roommate went out on the town after “drinking some alcohol”. – It was probably quite spontaneous. I don’t know who he was going out with, but I reckoned he was going to meet someone, she said in court. The police never got an answer as to who he was out with. DEATH: Ronny Nygård was 43 years old. He worked as a sailor on the ferry “Ole Bull” on the connection Valestrandsfossen – Breistein. Photo: Privat The police told him he was at home The explanation given to the roommate in court today differs from the first witness statements she gave, when the now accused man was arrested on 19 June and charged with false testimony in the case. This was 18 days after Ronny Nygård was found dead. State prosecutor Rudolf Christoffersen read from the second questioning the roommate gave this day. In the interview, she told the police that the defendant was at home all evening and night until 1 June. – “When asked if NN was out on the town on Friday 31 May, the witness replied that he was at home. He was one hundred percent sure of that.” Do you think you told me that, asked Christoffersen in court. – Parts of it, yes. It is difficult to answer why I explained it that way. I must have forgotten that he went out, said the woman. When asked by defender Einar Råen, she later said that the whole situation was “surreal and very heavy” for her. The day after the city trip, the roommate behaved normally. When asked what the roommate’s memory was usually like when he drank, she replied that it could fail a little if he drank a lot. – In retrospect, this has become a serious matter. Have they talked about what he did in the city?, Christoffersen asked. – We have talked a lot about the case, but he doesn’t remember much. That much is difficult to answer. EVIDENCE: Blood from the deceased was found on the defendant’s trousers and jacket. Mobile data shows position The man himself has explained that he had a “blackout” for large parts of the evening and night. In court, he has not been able to give any explanation of what happened between the time he got off the bus at Åsane terminal at 02.58 and until he took a taxi home at 03.42 from Rollandskrysset. Location data from the defendant’s mobile phone, however, he ties closely to the crime scene where Nygård was found dead. – At 03.09 we hit the lower part of the car park, close to where Nygård was found, Crime Inspector Olav Tolo told the court on Tuesday. The margin of error for this GPS tracking should be only 13 metres. According to Kripos, mobile data shows that the defendant walked away from the crime scene in the car park a few minutes later. Ronny Nygård was found dead in this car park at Åsane terminal. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB Claiming he was Scottish – He waved me in and sat in the front seat. I had nothing to complain about his behaviour, testified the taxi driver who drove the defendant home that night. But he said that he reacted to the fact that the defendant spoke English the whole way. – He claimed he came from Scotland and worked in the oil industry. He thought there was a lot that was expensive in Norway, said the taxi driver. The defendant is from Bergen, an IT graduate and has a job in a completely different industry. The sister of the defendant also testified in court today. She was at home with the cohabiting couple and ate pizza on Friday 31 May, before the defendant went out on the town after drinking “three or four beers”. She was also there when the defendant came home at night at 4am. – He was in a good mood then. The next day he was tired, but he didn’t behave strangely. He was completely normal, said the sister. – We want answers – For us, it is completely incomprehensible that this has happened. We want an answer to what happened, so we can put this behind us. We will not get Ronny back, said Ronny Nygård’s sister in her testimony in court. She told of a family that took the loss of their son, brother and uncle very seriously. Their mother passed away some time after Nygård was found dead. – I think she died of heartbreak. He really liked it, said his sister.
