The roof in a classroom at Bøverbru school collapsed. Seriously, says Head of Primary School Ivar Michael Jahr – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

When the cleaning staff arrived at Bøverbru school in Vestre Toten in the morning, they discovered what had happened. During the last 24 hours, the ceiling in one of the classrooms had caved in. – The fire alarm was triggered when it happened. It was put together with observations afterwards, but no one realized what it was until someone saw it early today. That’s what Ivar Michael Jahr, who is head of primary school in Vestre Toten, says. Toten today mentioned the case first. Going through the whole school After the incident, the school is now closed to the pupils. The second-graders who were supposed to be taught in the classroom were supposed to go on a trip today, which they have completed. – The building will be inspected and then we must find the reason why it has happened and go through the rest of the school to ensure that it is safe. Then we have to tear out and rebuild that room. COLLAPSE: Primary school principal, Ivar Michael Jahr, is glad the roof did not collapse while pupils were present. Photo: Private Bøverbru school has approximately 120 primary school pupils and 24 employees. It was built in 1962 and has been rehabilitated, according to the municipality’s website. The collapse happened while the school was closed. Bjørn Fauchald is municipal director in Vestre Toten. He says what has happened is regrettable. – It is a serious matter. I am very, very glad there were no children or adults in the room when it happened, he says. razed: The entire classroom is filled with materials from the ceiling in the room. Construction companies are present to clean up and secure the building. Photo: Ivar Michael Jahr Not opening soon It is not clear how long the school will be closed. The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate and the police have been notified of what has happened. Bjørn Fauchald says that construction companies are already on site to clear out the collapsed classroom. He says they will not release students or recruit until they have found the cause. CHECK THE CAUSE: Municipal Director, Bjørn Fauchald says what has happened is serious. They go through the entire building to ensure that something like this does not happen again. Photo: Private – We don’t know what has happened, but it is clearly the weight that has caused it to fall down and there is a failure in the construction here. He said that the school has been rehabilitated several times since it was built in the 60s. Now they go through documentation to see what was done by whom and when. – It must be safe to go to school and we plan rehabilitation in a way that we believe is appropriate at any given time. It is not the first time a ceiling has come down. But it must be safe to go to school and we will not open the school here again until we are sure that it is safe.
