The roof has fallen on a shopping center in Östersund – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The roof of one of the shops in Lillänge shopping center in Östersund has fallen, writes SVT. There must have been several people both inside and outside the building when the roof collapsed. Aftonbladet writes that at least two people have been sent to hospital. – It fell a meter from me so I just jumped, an employee tells SVT. The shopping center has been evacuated and the area is cordoned off, say the police. A rescue helicopter from Ørland in Trøndelag has just landed in Östersund to assist. In the helicopter there is a rescue team from Trøndelag fire and rescue. The rescue team from Trondheim will assist with USAR expertise. They are specialized in rescue in connection with building collapses, landslides and accidents involving heavy vehicles.
