The roof can collapse even more – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The fire brigade will continue with subsequent extinguishing throughout the evening. This is what Rogaland fire and rescue team leader Rune Tønnesen told news at 6pm on Saturday. PROJECT MANAGER: Rune Tønnesen. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad / news He has little faith that the fire will develop any further, and is betting that the fire service will finish the extinguishing work before midnight. – It is still burning, and we have seen small smoldering fires, but it is difficult for us to reach them as we cannot enter the building, says Tønnesen. According to Tønnesen, the temperatures inside are too high. In addition, a possible fire will also cause the roof to collapse further. – This is a large building and a complicated facility. And a roof collapse makes it difficult for us to enter. We have to make every effort from the outside, and that makes it difficult to get an overview, says Tønnesen. TOTAL DAMAGE: The facility was completely damaged in the fire. On Saturday, the fire service is still putting out the remainder. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad / news – Can sort as before The sorting facility at Forus is one of the world’s most modern facilities for residual waste. Since opening in 2019, the facility has enabled 350,000 residents to stop sorting plastic and instead throw it straight into the residual waste. The plant cost NOK 650 million to build, and has sorted out approximately 8,000 tonnes of plastic a year. The plastic waste is recycled and sold on to the plastics industry as a raw material. CEO of IVAR, Ingrid Nordbø, thinks it is stupid that all the plastic is now burned up. – Do people have to start sorting the plastic themselves? – The aim is to get post-sorting back in place, but depending on how long it will take, we have to consider whether in the interim we should ask the residents to do some of the work themselves, says Nordbø. In the meantime, Nordbø asks people to sort as before, and to comply with the timber routes in their municipality. Recycling station open IVAR Recycling station Forus is located right next to the post-sorting facility. The station was closed yesterday before the fire brigade had control of the fire and because of a lot of dangerous smoke. Police advised nearby households to close windows and shut off ventilation due to the dangerous smoke. Photo: Kristoffer Apall / news The recycling station opened again today. Saturdays are usually busy, but employees report almost no visitors. – People think we are closed because of the fire. They were sent to the recycling station at Sele på Jæren by those who closed the road yesterday, says Baba Yussif. AT WORK: Marcus Grude Grødem (left), Asle Skeie Malmin and Baba Yussif are back at work in the recycling station at Forus. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad / news Steinar Engtrø also thought so, but was tipped off by a friend to the contrary. – I considered whether I should go to Sele. Now I simply had a slightly shorter trip, says Engtrø.
