– The responsibility lies where it should lie – news Vestland

The case in summary: “Anna” lived in a violent relationship for several years. She feels safer after her former partner was sentenced to wear a reverse violence alarm. Reverse violence alarm was introduced in Norway in 2013 to protect people exposed to violence in close relationships. The anklet works as a GPS transmitter. If the carrier moves into a prohibited area, it triggers an alarm with the police. A change in the law in April 2024 made it easier and faster to order someone to wear a reverse violence alarm. Now the police can impose a reverse violence alarm before cases have gone to court. Since then, at least 102 people have been sentenced to contact bans with electronic monitoring. “Anna” believes that the reverse violence alarm does not work optimally. She lives at a secret address and is still afraid of her former partner. She believes that perpetrators of violence should receive a reverse violence alarm over a longer period of time, and that there should be no room for repeated violations. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. “Anna” says that it started small, with rude and sarcastic comments. Then the violence became more physical and sexual. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend threatened violence against the unborn child, shows the verdict that news has read. – Eventually you go blind. You just walk on eggshells and bend over backwards to keep the peace, says “Anna” to news. After several serious incidents, she decided to get out of the relationship. A few years ago, her former partner was sentenced to custody for violence. He was also given a restraining order with a reverse violence alarm. Anna is not her real name. news has given the woman a fictitious name to anonymise her. Reverse violence alarm Reverse violence alarm was introduced in Norway in 2013. The law was created to protect people who are exposed to violence in close relationships, and where there is reason to believe that the perpetrator will not respect a visiting or contact ban. A reverse violence alarm is a physical anklet in hard plastic, which acts as a GPS transmitter. People who have such an anklet have areas where it is not allowed to move into. This could be Oslo or Bergen or other areas that have been predetermined by the court or the police. If the person moves into a prohibited area, an alarm goes off with the police. The police must first of all get control of the victim of violence when the alarm goes off. In April 2024, there was a change in the law, which made it easier and faster to order someone to wear a reverse violence alarm. Now both the court and the police can impose the anklet. Source: The police, the Government – Relax to look over my shoulder The roommate was sentenced to a violence alarm before the change in the law that came six months ago. At the time, reverse violence alarms were not so common. Around 20 people received a reverse violence alarm each year, according to the Ministry of Justice. – I was hugely relieved. Then I didn’t have to look over my shoulder all the time. I felt like I won, she says. After the change in the law in April, it should be easier and faster to give perpetrators of violence an anklet with a GPS transmitter. Since then, at least 102 people have been sentenced to contact bans with electronic control, figures from the Norwegian Police Directorate show. There are almost as many who have received a reverse violence alarm since the scheme was introduced around ten years ago. – The legislative change came far too late. It could save lives, she says. Can wear the anklet before sentencing. A reverse violence alarm is an anklet that is worn around the clock. It has certain areas that the person cannot visit. – If the person moves into such an area, an alarm will go off at the police operations centre, which can take measures, says Hans Christian Dragvoll in the East police district. He is also the national specialist administrator for the reverse violence alarm. Before the change in the law, the ankle chain had to be imposed in a court case. Now the police can handcuff someone without a conviction. – Before, it could take up to two years before this anklet was fitted. Now the police can implement it quickly and immediately, before the court has considered the case, says Dragvoll. A court must still make an assessment of the decision afterwards. CHANGED THE LAW: Half a year ago, the law was changed, so that the police can also order someone to use a reverse violence alarm. Before the case has been up in court. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Changed the law after several murders Justice Minister Emilie Mehl (Sp) believes that reverse violence alarms are important for society. – We must prevent those who are exposed to violence and threats from having an unnecessarily large burden. That’s why I’m happy to see a change in practice, she says. The law change was supposed to come into force this summer, but was accelerated after a number of murders this winter. In January, mother of two Tina Milena Solberg (33) was killed in Øygarden. Her former partner has pleaded guilty in the murder case. The man was under a restraining order and the woman had a mobile violence alarm when she was killed. It had no power, and was not triggered during the murder. IMPORTANT: Minister of Justice Emilie Mehl (Sp) believes that the reverse violence alarm is important for society. Photo: William Jobling / news – The responsibility lies where it should lie Before the man was sentenced, “Anna” had a mobile violence alarm. – Before, if a car came, I always had to go and see. But today I don’t have that awareness all the time. I have more peace of mind that the police will be there, she says. She took the mobile violence alarm with her everywhere. She herself had to ensure that there was electricity and coverage on it. It happened that she was scared, but didn’t dare press the violence alarm. For her it was not a security. – If I reported, he could punish me afterwards. With a reverse violence alarm, he has himself to thank if he breaks the zone. Now the responsibility is where it should be. Lives at a secret address “Anna” now lives at a secret address. She is still afraid that her former partner will find her and do something to her. Although the man was sentenced to prison for several years, he only received a reverse violence alarm for one year. – I fear for the day he comes out. For the reverse violence alarm, it goes off once, she says. Reverse violence alarm does not work optimally, she believes. – What must be done? – Perpetrators of violence must receive a reverse violence alarm over a longer period of time. And there must be no room for repeated violations. Then they must be taken, she says. Persons exposed to violence and threats can use the violence alarm to notify the police. When they press the alarm button, a signal is sent out to the police, who can rush to where they are. Reverse violence alarm is an anklet that perpetrators of violence may be required to wear when they are sentenced to a no-contact order. The person convicted of violence cannot move within areas that have been determined in advance. If the anklet crosses into one of these areas, the police can be notified. They can follow the movements of the person convicted of violence on a map and intervene if necessary. Hello! Thank you very much for reading the matter! Thinking of something? Do you have something on your mind that we should write about? We would be very happy to receive an email. Published 20.10.2024, at 17.06
