The resident survey shows that Oslo people thrive in the capital – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– That so many people thrive in the city is absolutely fantastic. And I can say that right away to the citizens of Bergen: we are coming for you! That’s what a cheerful health councillor, Marthe Scharning-Lund, says. Because Oslo people love Oslo. In any case, the vast majority: Eight out of ten feel comfortable in Oslo Eight out of ten feel comfortable in the area they live in Seven out of ten feel a sense of belonging to Oslo This is shown by Oslo municipality’s new citizen survey. It has been carried out seven times. The first time was in 1998. It examines how people actually feel in the capital. Almost 30,000 Oslo citizens, living all over the city, have responded to the survey. In the summer, many people go to Sørenga in Oslo. Photo: NTB The vast majority of people like themselves in the capital – Yes, I am one of those who love Oslo! That’s what Lisa Christina Singer says with a broad smile. She walks down the street in Torshov with the dog Baloo. – I think there is just so much different that the city has to offer. During the last few years, I feel that it has really blossomed. Oslo is absolutely magical, perhaps especially in summer. Lisa Christina Singer thinks pride is the very best thing about Oslo. Baloo also thrives – he likes to take the tram, but thinks the dog park is the cutest. Photo: Ninnie Therese Rogne Nilsen / news There is generally a high level of well-being among the residents of Oslo. Only four percent say they do not. – There are of course some who experience challenges. But on the whole, people say they are satisfied, and things are getting better and better, says health councilor Marthe Scharning-Lund. Health council in Oslo, Marthe Scharning Lund, is happy that so many people say they like themselves in the city. Photo: Oslo municipality Somewhat more women than men say that they are happy to a large extent. Well-being in the local area is highest among people who live in the districts of Frogner, Nordre Aker and Ullern. Most people feel that they belong For the first time, Oslo Municipality has asked if the residents feel a sense of belonging in Oslo and the area they live in. Seven out of ten say they do. There is not much difference between the districts here either, but those who grew up in Oslo feel a sense of belonging to a greater extent than those who have moved here. Singer is not actually from Oslo, but still feels a sense of belonging. – Do you feel at home in Oslo? – Yes. I have lived here for almost ten years, so I feel very, very much at home. John-Eirik Harr moved from Harstad to Oslo 30 years ago. And it will probably be another 30 years, he thinks, because he is enjoying himself here. Photo: Ninnie Therese Rogne Nilsen / news John-Eirik Harr also likes Oslo. He has lived thirty years in the city. – I enjoyed myself very well. There is something for every taste here, he answers in a sounding Northern Norwegian. – It is close to the sea and I love that, coming from Harstad. At the same time, it is very good to go up in Marka. So then I get both in a bag and a sack. – Do you feel connected to Oslo? – Yes, definitely. There are a lot of nice people, and as long as you don’t act like an idiot, it’s okay. It helps to be positive, smile a little and talk to people a little. Something for everyone – In the evenings you can just go to town and find a place with rock or samba or whatever you want, says Paul Ocheme. – On a scale from zero to one hundred, I love Oslo eighty percent, says Paul Ocheme. Photo: Ninnie Therese Rogne Nilsen / news And many are satisfied with the cultural offer for adults. Those who are most satisfied live in Frogner and Sagene, while the least satisfied live in Søndre Nordstrand district. Ocheme has lived in Oslo for four years. The best thing for him is that there is a fitness center everywhere and that it is a short distance to nature. In addition, he thinks public transport is fantastic. A few weeks ago, Music Day was organized in Oslo. Photo: NTB Feeling safer during the day than at night – Do you feel safe in Oslo? – Yes, I feel very safe in Oslo, especially compared to the fact that I lived for fifteen years in Lagos in Nigeria, says Ocheme. And most respond that they feel safe in the center of Oslo, but there is also a difference in what time of the day they are out. 76 percent respond that they feel safe or very safe during the day. 40 percent answer that the same applies to traveling outside in the evening. Four out of ten say that they feel safe in the center of Oslo in the evening and at night. Photo: Marius Renner Christensen/news Harr is one of those who do not always feel safe in the city. – I’m not out at night, I’ve stopped doing that. I ask my daughters for that and to stay at home when it’s dark or to go out with others. Here there is also a difference between east and west in the city. – We work every day to reduce the differences. Either by strengthening school or AKS services, building parks or lighting roads, says the health council. More people feel unsafe in the city center at night than they do during the day. Photo: NTB
