The rehearsals for “Peer Gynt” are underway: – A kind of 2.0 version

– Everything is different, but not the weather. It doesn’t change. This is what Mads Ousdal says to news after having a stage rehearsal for “Peer Gynt” at Gålåvatnet. In the scorching summer sun, Ousdal bounced energetically back and forth along the lake. – We do it a little differently. We have other moves, other storytelling techniques. But we have the wonderful text at the bottom. So we’ll see what we can do at the water’s edge. The role of Peer Gynt is physically demanding, something Mads Ousdal believes he can master. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Peer Gynt 2.0 Although Ousdal is a decade older now than the first time he played Peer Gynt, he does not see the vision as more physical than others. – It is clear that 3.5 hours on stage is physical, whether you ride a horse or read aloud. So it is a demanding foresight, admits the 53-year-old. Mads Ousdal is back ten years after his first performance as Peer Gynt. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news This edition also features Ane Dahl Torp, who makes her debut in the show as mother Åse. Torp was asked a few years ago to play in the play, she reveals. – But then I felt like: “No, you know what, I can’t do that.” When Erik asked me now, I felt that I have the age and what is needed on the inside to do it, says Dahl Torp to news. Ane Dahl Torp feels ready to be mother Åse alongside Mads Ousdal’s Peer Gynt. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news She has great faith in the script that she and the star gallery will perform. – This is one of the very best pieces of world history. Mads and I sat and went through our scenes the day before. When we had finished, we just said: “My God, what a mind-bogglingly good text!”, Torp radiates. The screening will be familiar to those who saw “Peer Gynt” between 2014-2016, explains director Erik Ulfsby. – We try to bring the best with us, and then we have many completely new scenes that we think will lift things up even further. It is a kind of 2.0 version, describe the director. Director Erik Ulfsby is back at Gålå almost ten years after his previous adaptation of Peer Gynt. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Three generations of Ousdal The last time Erik Ulfsby directed the play “Peer Gynt”, Mads Ousdal was in the cast. Eight years after his first appearance as Peer Gynt, Mads is not the only Ousdal in the cast. – We want to tell the story again, and perhaps focus a little on the life that Peer had as a child, explains Ousdal about having his son Abel as a seven-year-old Peer Gynt. – In any case, it gives a certain sound, an image, a kind of memory of what it was like. Aksel Hennie in Peer Gynt 2023. Swipe for previous years 👉 In 2021, Peer Gynt was created in consultation with an infection control expert. Swipe for previous years 👉 This is what Peer Gynt looked like in 2020. Swipe for previous years 👉 Peer and huldra in 2019. Swipe for previous years 👉A dancing Peer in 2019.Sweip for previous years 👉After 2018, Svein Sturla Hungnes gave himself up as Peer Gynt.Sweep for previous years 👉Marianne Nielsen & Jakob Oftebro in 2017. Mads Ousdal’s father Sverre is also involved as a voice code player in ” Peer Gynt” screening this year. Although it will be a different story, Mads Ousdal believes that one does not need to have seen the earlier versions. – I think the vision will be different from what we have seen before, but it is not a prerequisite to have seen him before. I hope and believe that it will be an experience for the audience. Mads Ousdal is a safe harbor with a history like Peer Gynt. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Published 25.07.2024, at 21.38
