The red-listed caterpillar loses its home when we remove the poisonous plant – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a dilemma that cannot be resolved. If you remove the plant, you remove where the caterpillar lives. The researcher Hallvard Elven talks about the caterpillar carmine spider which lives on the plant landøyda. He sat on the expert committee for butterflies when the list for red-listed species was to be made in 2021. Being on this list means that there is a danger that the species may die out from Norway. The carmine spider larva is red-listed. Photo: Colourbox The landøyda plant is a nuisance for those who have horses and cattle. It is toxic, and can be very harmful to animals that ingest it through the feed. – Landøyda is unwanted by us humans since we have financial interests in getting rid of it, says Elven. But the plant is also home to the red-listed larva of the carmine spider. The carmine spinner is a species of butterfly in the family Bjornspinners. Researcher Hallvard Elven points out that it is too early to guess the status of the carmine spinner when new red lists are to be drawn up. Photo: NTB Landbruket wants to remove the plant – It will be a great danger to the butterflies if large parts of the plants are removed. Then you have greatly reduced the chance of survival for the butterfly, says Elven. The Karminspinneren has been registered 662 times in the Species Data Bank. Photo: screenshot / species data bank – But why is it important that we take care of the caterpillar? Do we need it? – You can ask that question about all species. We could choose to live on a lifeless rock instead. But it is a complicated issue. Because the farmers are very worried about the spread. – We are taking it away since agriculture wants it. It can be toxic, especially to grazing animals. If it gets into the feed, they can get sick, says Anne Elisabeth Carlsen, managing director of NaturEco. But she is clear in her speech that it should in no way be eradicated. Anne Elisabeth Carlsen, managing director of NaturEco, helps agriculture to remove the plant from the island where it can be dangerous for animals. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news The plant is important for insects – We will certainly not fight it, but take it away where it can spread widely. It is for the animals. We select areas where agriculture needs help and areas where it can blow over to agriculture. She is supported by the director of agriculture in Rogaland. – Where there are grazing animals, a danger to the fodder or a danger of spreading, the plant should be removed, but if there is no danger, it should not be done, says Monica Dahlmo. Carlsen believes there was a greater fear of the poisonous plant before. The yellow flower is nice to look at, but poisonous to animals that ingest it. Photo: Miriam Grov – Two years ago there was a scare among the population. It had to be removed at all costs, and it was pulled up all over the place. I posted on Facebook that it was the home of the carmine spinner and that we can’t remove it just because it’s poisonous. She points out that it is important for other pollinating insects as well. She herself has seen little of the caterpillar in Rogaland, but knows that the problem is more widespread in Agder. Some years there is more of the plant than others. – There are many people who are afraid of the island because it is poisonous, but you have to remember that there are many plants that are poisonous. If we are to remove everything that is toxic, there is not much left. That’s not why we’re taking it away. Published 29/07/2024, at 06.05
