The Red Cross told people to ditch winter clothes for Ukraine – the statement faces opposition – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– In my eyes, such actions testify that the Red Cross is completely disconnected from reality in Ukraine, says Erik Helgesplass of the humanitarian organization NorseAid. Both NorseAid and several other organizations that assist the country are reacting to the fact that the Red Cross asked on Friday that people do not send more winter clothing to the country. – Ukraine has enough winter clothes, said senior adviser Torben Bjørke-Henriksen to news. Helgesplass believes this is far from the truth. He is in Kyiv when he talks to news, and according to him many people only have what they stand and walk in. An 11-year-old girl gets new shoes for the winter. The pink shoes on the right are not suitable in the cold season. Photo: Privat Uses summer jackets Before the weekend, NorseAid delivered humanitarian aid in Kharkiv. – We delivered a shipment in the most destroyed village in this county and there is a crying need for heat sources and winter clothing, says Helgesplass. He says they saw children walking around with three thin summer jackets on. Mothers also asked for winter clothes for their children who only sat inside. They had no clothes to be outside. – It’s not the down jacket you think of first if you have to flee for your life. NorseAid by Erik Helgesplass and Ole Marius Husby distributes equipment, clothes and toys at a school in Chernihiv north of Kyiv. Photo: Jan Arild Evensen 15 degrees below zero Jørn Kvist, who has been involved in aid work in Ukraine since the outbreak of war, also reacts to the Red Cross’ statements. He says they only deliver what the Ukrainians ask for. Part of this is warm clothes. – Norway is one of the few countries in the world that can contribute to warm winter clothing. We cannot allow the largest organization to kick bones under this, says Kvist. People charge mobile phones and get warm in an aid center in Kherson in early December. Photo: STAFF / Reuters He believes it is down to his own unreasonableness that there is no need for winter clothing in a country that has minus 15 degrees, is at war and without electricity. Kvist thinks the Red Cross is referring to Polish organizations that are overworked. news reported earlier this year that clothes for Ukrainian refugees piled up in Poland. – We deliver directly to Ukraine. Everything comes into use and it does so after a short time, says Kvist. Jørn Kvist (TV), Julia Erohina-Knutsen and Volodymyr Novosad in front of aggregates that the Ukrainian Association in Bergen has collected. These and 100 more that Fyllingsdalen Theater itself has financed will be sent to Ukraine on Wednesday this week. Photo: Private Red Cross: – Give them money Senior adviser Torben Bjørke-Henriksen in the Red Cross says that their general impression is that there is enough winter clothing in Ukraine. – We base our needs analyzes on the International Red Cross and Ukrainian Red Cross, which have not yet requested clothing. He says the organization has thousands of volunteers who work in all parts of the country. – They give us feedback on what needs there are in different parts of the country. He points out that Ukraine is one of the world’s largest countries and that a general remark that there is enough warm clothing everywhere can therefore give an inaccurate picture. He says they don’t want to kick the legs of local initiatives to collect clothes, but that it is important that there is a receiver at the other end. – We learn that the best way to support is to give them money in hand so that they can buy what they need. It operates the Red Cross over large parts of Ukraine. Senior advisor at the Red Cross Torben Bjørke-Henriksen says there is a major shortage of generators across large parts of Ukraine. Photo: Red Cross / Olav Saltbones Don’t bring winter clothes Harald Vågene runs Family Aid Ukraine. The organization has contact with private individuals who pass on both money, warm clothes and other equipment in the country. They deliver to internally displaced refugees. According to Vågene, there are as many as 7 million. He also reacts strongly to the statements of the Red Cross. – It may well be that the Red Cross has a warehouse, but in any case the clothes do not reach the people, he says. Vågene says that a few days ago they were told that there was a little girl of 11 years old who had no winter clothes. Then they made sure to get it. – Imagine yourself fleeing with two children and only taking the bare essentials such as papers, some clothes and food. Then you don’t think about bringing winter clothes either. Many internal refugees in Ukraine only have what they stand and walk in. This girl needs new winter shoes. Photo: Private
