The Red Cross aid corps is concerned about more missions but not more volunteers – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Since 2007, the number of pick-up missions with the Red Cross aid corps has quadrupled. The number of search missions has almost doubled. At the same time, the recruitment of volunteers in the aid corps has stagnated. Four assignments in one week Jon Helge Solemsli is operational manager in Grindaheim Red Cross, which is based in Vang municipality in Valdres. For them, this summer has been busy at times. – We had a week here this summer where we had four missions, he says. In one day he was out with the relief corps on a mission at night, then at work during the day and then out on a mission in Jotunheimen in the afternoon. Jon Helge Solemsli in Grindaheim Red Cross would prefer to see more volunteers in the aid corps: – We are aware that we must not exhaust our members, so we mostly prioritize assignments in our own municipality or in neighboring municipalities. The picture is from a rescue operation in the Koldedal area in July this year. A Dutch woman had injured her ankle. Photo: Oddvin Almenning – Is it sustainable to operate like this? – In any case, we depend on members who show up at all times and employers who allow us time off from work. He says it goes around because the same volunteers always show up. – The less active we are, the more vulnerable we are. – Worrying development On a national basis, the number of volunteers in the Red Cross’s aid corps has remained stable at 6-6,500 over the past five years. Kjersti Løvik, national council leader in the Red Cross aid corps, is concerned that they are not getting more volunteers at a time when the need is increasing. – It is a worrying development. We really want people to sign up, says Løvik. She points out that the development means that there is increasingly more to do for each individual. In the long run, this will not be sustainable. – When you’ve had seven or eight assignments in just a few days, you don’t have time for much else. – We are approaching a pain threshold. – How dependent are the police and ambulance services on the Red Cross’s aid corps? – The Norwegian rescue service is completely dependent on volunteering, she says. WANTS MORE VOLUNTEERS: Løvik says that the aid corps should have had more volunteers. Photo: Roar Dalmo Moltubak / Red Cross – No conscience to stay at home In 2015, Oppland was part of the Red Cross’s aid corps on 79 pick-up missions for AMK. Already so far this year, there are 20 more retrieval missions than in the whole of 2015. The Red Cross aid corps in Oppland is alone in having had an increase in volunteers in its aid corps. However, the increase does not account for the increase in assignments, according to the head of the national council. – They see the same increase in the number of assignments. The increase in volunteering does not correspond to that, it is still below. Elin Fjellvang, area manager for Valdres Red Cross, says that several corps in Valdres are struggling to get hold of people when they need it. It is often the same people who leave, which eats away in the long run, she says. – They have no conscience to stay at home. Busy with strong volunteer sector State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Services John-Erik Vika (Sp) says that the volunteers are a very important part of the national rescue service. – Is the development worrying? – We are in close dialogue with the voluntary organizations about the situation. The government is keen to have a strong voluntary sector that stands on its own two feet. The government will ensure good funding, great freedom and a central place in society for volunteering, he writes. State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Services John-Erik Vika (Sp) says that volunteers are absolutely central to the Norwegian rescue service. Photo: JD / JD Løvik says that the aid corps would have liked to have had more volunteers. – We would like to have more people who have that interest in being outside from before, so that you have knowledge of mountains and nature from before. At the same time, she is clear that everyone can sign up.
