The prosecutor asks for almost three years in prison for the organizers of the bunker party – Latest news – news

13 December 2022 at 13:00 Aftenposten: The prosecutor asks for almost three years in prison for the organizers of the bunker party The prosecution requests that the organizers of the bunker party in Oslo in August 2020 be sentenced to two years and eight months in prison and two years and six months in prison, respectively. Aftenposten writes that. The two accused men, aged 28 and 26, were central to the organization of the party in the closed bunker at St. Hanshaugen. Dozens of people were poisoned by coal ash from power generators in the bunker. 28 people ended up in hospital, two suffered serious brain injuries. The men have admitted to having entered the bunker illegally, and partially pleaded guilty to serious breaches of the Fire and Explosions Act. On the other hand, they deny criminal liability for having negligently caused coal poisoning which endangered the lives and health of the party participants. In his closing proceedings, state prosecutor Daniel Sollie says that it was just luck that no one died during the party.
