The prosecutor asks for 21 years in custody for the man, according to Nav – news Vestland

– He cuts and cuts the knife. Targeted and with force into her body, said state attorney and prosecutor May-Britt Erstad in court on Monday. On 20 September 2021, the man attacked Nav Årstad. Marianne Amundsen was killed and Ida Aulin was injured. Aulin was first stabbed with a knife. She has explained that she still feels the thuds from the knife that stabbed her. Aulin got away, but Amundsen was stabbed 47 times and died. Erstad argues in court for 21 years in prison and detention for the accused man in his 40s. – The murder was committed with intent, but was also planned, she said. The man accused of the Nav murder in court, with his back to him. by agreement with defender Morten Grimstad (also in the picture). Photo: Jon Bolstad / news Believes he is psychotic The accused man pleads guilty to murder and grievous bodily harm, but believes he was psychotic. Both the prosecution and forensic psychiatrists disagree. The 40-year-old has been diagnosed with simple schizophrenia and has a delusion that he is the father of a child. Police investigations have shown that the child is not found. It is the seriousness of the condition that matters for questions of sanity. A delusion is not enough in itself to be considered insane, prosecutor Erstad emphasized in his proceedings in court. The two Nav employees were attacked in this conversation room during a user conversation with the man. Photo: The police – Pretend he is insane Erstad has problems believing the man’s explanations. – I have problems believing that a person who is actually insane is capable of pretending to be insane. I feel that he does, that he pretends to be insane, said Erstad. The man says he does not remember being at Nav Årstad on the day in question, or that he attacked with a knife. State attorney May-Britt Erstad and defense attorney Morten Grimstad in the trial after the murder of Nav Årstad. Photo: Jon Bolstad / news But after the attack, he explained details of the action in police interviews and in conversations with forensic psychiatrists. – He remembered the actions at least until March 2022. At some point he must have forgotten this. He may of course have suppressed his own actions, as we see in some horrific murder cases, prosecutor Erstad said in court. It has also emerged in court that the man hears voices. He has not explained this previously, and Erstad believes the court can disregard his doing this. – No doubt In court video from camera surveillance of the attack has been shown. In addition, several witnesses have explained the sequence of events. – There is no doubt about what happened at Nav Årstad, said the prosecutor. The prosecutor believes the man acted deliberately and planned. The man bought a knife six days before the attack. This was an expensive knife, which was bought at a 40 percent discount. – When you spend NOK 759 on a knife, you must have a special interest in cooking when you spend such a large proportion of your money, said the prosecutor. He had also searched for knives ahead of the shopping trip. – In my opinion, the knife was bought with the intention of taking it to Nav Årstad to kill. It is nevertheless the main question that the court must decide on; whether the man can be sentenced to prison or must be transferred to compulsory mental health care. State prosecutor May-Britt Erstad announced in advance that a request for a custodial sentence could be made for the accused 40-year-old. Read all about the trial after the Nav murder
