The principal closes the canteen at Eiker upper secondary school due to bullying and grouping – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Blinking. Freezing. Separate places for the cool ones in the canteen. Bullying and hanging out on social media. This is not how principal Jan Helge Russnes wants anything at Eiker upper secondary school in Hokksund. On Wednesday, the students faced a closed canteen. It won’t open again until they have hardened. – We have seen an increasing tendency over the last few years with regard to groupings and exclusion, Russnes begins and continues: – It has gotten worse this year. The groupings are connected to established and planned Russian buses. There is a social hierarchy, a marking – and it has taken place in the canteen. Headmaster Jan Helge Russnes says he chose to close the canteen to set an example that should be a “wake up call” for the students. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news On Tuesday afternoon, the adult headmaster called all students to a general meeting in the gymnasium. There he informed the 540 pupils about the closure – and more or less asked them to get their act together. Can’t pick up on what’s happening on social media – It’s escalated quickly lately. It is a much bigger problem this year than last year. And we can’t sit and watch that, Russnes reasons and continues. – This is a national challenge, it doesn’t just happen here, and is similar to cases from other upper secondary schools, says Russnes. He says that there are some who experience stares, being photographed, that certain tables in the canteen are reserved for “the cool”, and that some have a general feeling that they do not feel welcome. – Because they are not in a certain group or are on a lower level. Completely different and illogical connections. It is very subtle what is going on. Messages on social media that we have no way of capturing. Things that have happened outside of school hours, but which are unfortunately dragged into here. A well-known problem in many upper secondary schools The head of the student council at the school, Selma Ausdal-Gunneriusen, supports the principal’s decision. – Many feel an outsiderness, an exclusion. And several feel they cannot sit where they want in the canteen. This is a known and major problem at many upper secondary schools in Norway, but here the management chose to do something about it. Andreas Aronsen (secretary of the student council) and student council leader Selma Ausdal-Gunneriusen at Eiker upper secondary school. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news She says that several students agree with the headmaster’s decision, but she adds that many students are also dissatisfied. They miss the canteen. – Is bullying a big problem at school? – Personally, I believe that bullying is taking it a bit far. It’s more that you can’t sit down anywhere. Fixed places for the different steps. But that’s the way it is, it’s a shame to say. – Do you think closing the canteen has an effect? – Yes. I think the students will see that there is a problem, replies the student council leader, who characterizes the environment at the school as “very good”. – All schools have their own Jodel channel. If you compare Eikers kanal with other upper secondary schools in the district, you will see that it is more friendly and less rude. This sofa is the most popular in the canteen, and it’s not just about sitting there, explain the student council at Selma Ausdal-Gunneriussen and Andreas Aronsen. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news I don’t think it has an effect – We think it’s sad. We eat lunch there every day, it’s good food and it’s a nice social place at school. It’s a shame, say students Eline Roa Gran and Emma Santana Burkhalter. – Have you seen any bullying or exclusion yourself? – Yes, on social media such as Jodel. Sometimes names are mentioned, and then there can be stupid comments either about groups or people, replies Gran. Eline Roa Gran (left) and Emma Santana Burkhalter hope the canteen will reopen soon. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news – Do you think the shutdown has an effect? – No. Maybe a little effect by thinking about how “bad” it actually is. But bringing the school together, having an activity day for example, might have been better. – Is bullying a big problem at school? – It can be individual. But I think the community is actually good. I hope the canteen opens soon. Maybe after the autumn holidays – and then I think everyone can be kind and decent to each other. The students at the school say that rude things are written on social media. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news – A safe school environment is a right Principal Jan Helge Russnes says he thinks it is a shame to have to go to the step of closing the canteen, but says it was necessary to send a strong signal. – Canteen is not a right in school. A safe school environment is a right. That is what we ensure now. Now we have to agree on how to have it there – and everyone has to accept it before we open again. The headmaster stresses that the school will continue to serve free breakfast to the pupils even if the canteen is closed. This is collected outside, but the pupils are now directed to classrooms or other living areas where it must be eaten. – We have wonderful and clever young people at the school. But we have to break the group mentality. I am very optimistic that we will make it, concludes the rector. Closed until further notice. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news
