The Prime Minister’s office admits mistakes in the Solberg case – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Employees at the Prime Minister’s Office (SMK) admit to E24 that they handled documents about Sindre Finnes’ share trading and Erna Solberg’s competence wrongly. This is what the business newspaper writes in a comprehensive article on Sunday afternoon. Central e-mails and documents should have been recorded and accessible to the public. Instead, they were placed in an internal paper archive, writes E24. – In this case, we have discovered that incoming and outgoing case documents, which should have been recorded, have instead been archived as internal documents, says communications manager Anne Kristin Hjukse at SMK to E24. Does not rule out more documents Now SMK has recorded the documents they have found that may shed light on the Solberg/Finnes case, but: – We cannot rule out that there are more documents that have not been found in our searches, says Hjukse to E24. Among other things, two lists were found that showed Finnes’ shareholdings in 2013. Heidi Heggenes, then dispatch manager at SMK, exchanged text messages and e-mails with Finnes. The aim was to map out whether there was anything about his activity that could lead to problems of integrity for Solberg when she became prime minister. Heggenes now admits to E24 that there were “a couple of documents related to competence/shares and Sindre Finnes that were not recorded” and that “it should have been done”. Extensive share trading There has been a storm around the married couple Finnes and Solberg this autumn. It has emerged that Finnes engaged in far more extensive buying and selling of shares than had been known during the years Solberg was prime minister. Finnes bought and sold shares and securities over 3,000 times for approximately NOK 125 million. Solberg has acknowledged that she may have been incompetent in several cases that were dealt with by the government she led in the years 2013-2021, including the oil tax package.
