The preparations for Google’s data storage center are in the initial phase – skepticism is increasing in Skien – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The forest has been felled and the first load of gravel for the new construction road has been driven in. There is full activity at Gromstul north of Skien. This despite the fact that Google has not yet clearly agreed to build. But resistance in the population has increased. Yes, and the downside is now almost as big. – We don’t have enough energy 37 percent have answered that they are in favor of the construction, while 31 percent are against it. 24 percent have no opinion on the matter. This is shown by a recent poll conducted by Norstat for news. The data giant Google bought a giant plot of land north of Skien in 2019. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news 586 people have responded to the survey. Else Marie Hoff is one of those who is strongly critical of the plans. – We do not have enough energy to prioritize it, compared to the companies that now really need electricity. And there won’t be many jobs for the municipality, says Hoff to news. Gunn Hege Romnes believes that Google will contribute to something positive for Skien. – Getting a data center at Gromstul is a big addition to our city. The challenge is probably the energy and what to do with the cooling water from there, she says. A large area of ​​forest has been cut down to prepare Google’s data storage center at Gromstul in Skien. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Unanimous city council The answers are in sharp contrast to the city council’s unanimous yes in 2020. The politicians were confident that this was good news for Skien. The mayor is just as positive now. She is happy that a small majority is in favor of development. Hedda Foss Five refers to our neighboring countries and clearly believes that a data center will generate tax dollars. – They can document that this has provided several thousand jobs, both directly and indirectly. This has ripple effects, otherwise I as mayor would not be so positive, she says. Hedda Foss Five, mayor of Skien. Photo: Roald Marker / news – When will Google come to Skien? – They have not yet decided to build. If they do, it will be one of the biggest projects in the whole of Europe, says a hopeful mayor. Even if a lot of money has been invested and it turns out that Google says no, she takes comfort in the fact that many other actors will be interested in the plot. Rune Mathiesen from Rødt is also among the politicians who voted yes in 2020. He has no regrets. – Our strategy all along has been to slow down and try to steer development in the direction we want. To stop it is too late now, he says.
